Anonymous Coward #conspiracy
Monkeys are not native to earth - they are from Mars. Earths`natives are of Reptilian heritage.
Yep thats what you have to understand.
The monkey race comes from Mars.
On earth life stems from Dinosaurs. I assume that one day the bonobo people who love war, have destroyd theyr planet so much, they decided to come to earth.
They pretended to need help, so we the reptilians who are unfortunately to helpful let them liv here.
The sneaky and evil bonobo descendants then made a plan, to take over earth and enslave earth`s original Race the descendants of Dinosaurs.
The bonobo descendants have brought so much destruction and evil over this planet and its inhabitants, its so painful just thinking about it.
The Monkey descendants love War, destruction and perversion.
Google the sexlife of bonobos. Disgusting to the very core.
The monkey race came to earth, because they were Refugees!
Does that ring your bell????
again, to the monkey race belongs every race, blacks, whites, asians.