Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

You've all been chipped via lab work at the doctor, flu shots, anything that accessed your blood in the last 30 years.
It's chip at nano level daisy chained in your blood, bonded to you,
unique to you. It does Not exchange receiving donated blood.

Its catalyst was/is high frequency transmission waves,
It's receiver,
Everywhere you go on or off the planet.

It's power source,
the variant of thermal changes in blood temperature
charges the nano devices.

Are there any without ? NO ! Ariel spraying was/is secondary backup.

What if it's missed by both of those ?

Then the third ensured no matter what, and was possible
by the secondary, and that is water,
ALL water and ALL life sustained by it.

Everything is chipped !



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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