Why the Elite are Using Fallen Angel tech (CERN) to Deactivate the Earth's Magnetosphere
The fallen angels and lucifer/satan reside around what some humans call the "planet venus"
The constellation that humans know under the pagan greek understanding of “Pleiades or Seven Sisters”, is ACTUALLY associated with Archangel Micheal.
The Pleiades star cluster is under an unusual alignment in the sky where it surrounding Venus right now and will from April 11 until mid April.
[link to earthsky.org]
Right now there is war in the heavens and Archangel Micheal and the Angels under his command are going to kick the crap out of satan and throw him and the 1/3 making up his fallen Angels to earth.
The magnetosphere is a shield to prevent fallen angels from physically coming here. If they were cast out of the heavens they would smash against the magnetosphere like a bug on a windshield.
But The fallen Angels working with their loyal human Luciferian /satanists have devised CERN to deactivate the magnetosphere shield, so the fallen Angels can land safely on earth when they are cast out of the heavens.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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