how ignorant can these posers be
The guy says that this is the hottest that has been seen in 80 million years, We didn't have thermometers until the late 1500's by a guy named Galileo Galilei. They don't even know what the temperature was before that. I get really amused by these posers who think we have no brains. I'm beginning to wonder where their's is.
The concepts of geology, meterology, archaeology, and the combination thereof all fly right over your head, don't they?
EDIT: PSOTAS: don't do shit like that, nobody cares and this isn't some stupid Christian message board.
"The guy says that this is the hottest that has been seen in 80 million years"
Who says this again?
"We didn't have thermometers until the late 1500's ... They don't even know what the temperature was before that."
Relative temperatures can be recorded by reference to the geological and ice core record. I know it may be hard for you to accept, scientists don't just sit around pulling crazy theories about global warming out of their ass all day.
no, there weren't thermometers, but record lies in Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets, and differences in the presence of Oxygen-18.
This is besides the stupid 'point', but the Galileo 'thermometer' is technically an indicator as it doesn't actually measure temperature. My research tells me that Santorio Santorio is credited with the first actual thermometer.
As for the rest, science is a giant collection of facts, measurements and information that is clearly beyond you. That said, I am more inclined to believe an estimate on how hot the earth was millions of years ago then the concept of talking bushes, asses and snakes. And for that matter zombies.
It never ceases to amaze me what scientists manage to find out about the universe from times long before we were here to document things directly.
And here this moron (like others of his ilk), instead of opening his mind up to knowledge and learning something new, can only come up and project his own ignorance onto the scientists, declaring, "NUH UH! I don't know how to know that, so you couldn't possibly know that!" He's not just a luddite who doesn't want things (including knowledge) to change -- he denies even the possibility of it, and even has the temerity to call the SCIENTISTS "posers"! The projection is absolutely mind-boggling.
~David D.G.
As posted above ice cores and also peat cores and even tree ring measurements give us an 800,000 + year temperature record (The twerp was also out by a couple of decimal points, 'natch.)
Guess what - all these sources appear to concurr on mean temperatures over the last few hundred thousand years. If nokovichspi has verifiable evidence to the contrary and cares to publish in a reputeable scientific journal then he's a shoe in for a Nobel prize and £££.
Somehow I rather doubt it though.
g-21-lto: I was going to mention the ice core record, but you beat me to it.
Sometimes I wonder if it is pleasant having such simple thinking. "There is no global warming because thermometers didn't exist... lalala." Nope doesn't work for me, but I bet I'd sleep a lot better at night.
How can you be writing this shit when you obviously don't know how to read ?
Were you taught the ancient art of reading, you would be able to learn how observation of polar ices gives indications of past temperatures.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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