Lew Grandipher #racist amren.com

I agree with everything you said, except about Racist conception. Even in the past, White Racism often had defensive meaning, rather then offending. Japanese as a prominent Asian entity are also Racists, where during WWII they expressed extremely brutal Racism. To day, nobody pays any attention to Japanese Racism. Same we have with Chinese, not to mention Muslims, which are the worse, with exclusively aggressive Racism.

My point is that White Protective Racism is benign. I don't want Black or any other race as slaves or to own them. I have no hostility against Blacks. I just want to keep distance from them for safety reasons.

Hence, White Protective Racism is civilization Defensive Line against intruders. In this context, I am fiery White Racist. I advises every White, get rid of archaic fear being labeled as Racist. Your Protective Racism is our common defensive line and please do proudly pass this value on others.

Among all Races, only Blacks are constantly playing on Race cards for any trivia. In addition, did you notice that there is Racial conflict only in Whites-Blacks relations? Why, because they are like leeches, they can't survive without Whites, not in US nor in their independent banana states. If we would move to Mars, they would try to follow, because no one else would take care about them.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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