You didn't expect me to be 'sexist' and reply in a different manner to your silly attack because you're female (and likely blonde) did you? And under your evolutionary system, why not be sexist? Darwin and most of his evolutionary contemporaries were very sexist. Conversely, the Biblical Christianity is the only philosophy that has provided true liberation for women, but you come here to attack it.
In Darwin's time, women weren't legally equal in anyone's eyes. The Bible states in several places that they shouldn't be, though I suspect the instructions on social roles were intended for a time when specialization was necessary, and the system was intended to be eventually outgrown. Unfortunately, no one wrote a sequel after we executed the guy for going on tour with his first book. :b
Ahhh, not only is he bigoted against women, he's bigoted against fair-haired people, too. Gee, what a winner.
................'...Biblical Christianity is the only philosophy that has provided true liberation for women...'? Doesn't the Bible say that all us women have to stay in the kitchen, and effectively ignore everything femenism has done for us over the course of history?
And this guy calls himself Socrates, too...The Athenian philosopher who knew the gods didn't exist...You are an insult to one of the greatest athiests of all time!
What does being blonde have to do with someone's personal opinion on your archaic views? Oh, I see. You think blonde women are stupid. You probably think that ginger people should be shunned, and that all blacks are criminals.
I'd like to lock you in a room with some blonde women - or any women, for that matter - and have you repeat the above statement. Afterwards I'll send in the cleaner to wash the blood from the walls.
You, sir, are the one that is stupid. Don't attribute yourself to one of the greatest thinkers of all time - it makes you look even worse.
You mean that wretched book which describes women as property? So let me get this straight, not only do you have the audacity to insist that the exact opposite of liberation is the only source of 'true liberation' but also to claim the name of an influential (non-christian) philosopher to spread your vile bullshit? Go fuck yourself so-crates (hard, sideways).
"Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law."
- I Corinthians, 14:34 (KJV)
"But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence."
- I Timothy 2:12 (KJV)
Yes, truly liberating for women the bible is.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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