Every believer ought to think about Heaven when they get discouraged, because this world is not our home. God is not far from every one of us. As a believer, I don’t think I could feel at home anywhere in this sin-cursed world. Life is short and will soon be over. Amen!
Um, wow. When I'm feeling down, I'd rather dance or watch pandas on live cams than entertain suicidal thoughts, but maybe that's just a quirk on my part.
"because this world is not our home."
So why is God putting all of us here?
Just send people straight to Heaven or Hell.
Talk is cheap, your brand of "feel sorry for me, I'm too good for this world" whine makes me vomit. Just go to Iran or Saudi Arabia and try to convert the border guards, by DEFINITION you'll be saved after they they tear you to pieces.
"Your future hasn't been written yet. No one's has. Your future is whatever you make it, so make it a good one."
-- Dr. Emmett Brown, Back to the Future 3
(emphasis mine)
Question to all those fundies who believe the bible when it says that you are not of this world, and this world is not your home: if this is the case, why in the hell are you trying to take it over and fuck it up for the rest of us? Just a question.
"Every believer ought to think about Heaven when they get discouraged, because this world is not our home."
Fine. Go kill yourself then, you kiddy-diddling nonce.
"As a believer, I don’t think I could feel at home anywhere in this sin-cursed world"
But there's one thing that keeps you from drinking the Kool-Aid or giving yourself that .357 calibre lobotomy eh, Dave? One thing that does make you feel at home as you while away those lonely days in Guam (and which you know Heaven doesn't have): The Disney Channel.
Two Words, Dave: Gary Glitter.
"As a believer, I don’t think I could feel at home anywhere in this sin-cursed world"
Well since you believe in the false doctrines of Easy Prayerism, Eternal Security and Jack Hyles's looney toon "Thank you, Adam" sermon on praising Adam and Eve for sinning by saying: "Thank God for the chains of sin" THEN WHY DONT YOU KILL YOURSELF?! THAT WAY YOU WONT BE BOTHERED BY THIS SINFUL WORLD ANYMORE!!! If you believe in Easy Prayerism, Eternal Security and Jack Hyles's Looney Toon "Thank You, Adam" sermon then why are you still alive posting stupid articles?! I guess Rewards in Heaven matter to you more than Jesus, huh? Well that's Idol-Worship right there. And IF (I didnt say it is going to happen. I said IF) you dont repent of praticing your idol worship of the rewards in heaven before you pass away then you wont go to heaven. Stewart, If i was you...I get on my knees, admit my wrong-doing, and truly repent, accept LORDSHIP SALVATION OF JESUS CHRIST AND FORSAKE EASY PRAYERISM, YOUR HYPOCRYISY, HYLESOLOGY, AND ALL SIN IN GENERAL BEFORE IT IS EVERLASTING TOO LATE.
I've got news for you David. Jesus was quite clear that hypocrites, wolves in sheep's clothing and self-righteous biblical legalists would not be going to Heaven.
Better make the most of your time here on earth, because according to your own religion its not getting any better for you.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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