Anonymous Coward #conspiracy
Ok so I've been piecing together everything for years now ..
And I've thought and I've thought and I've thought and the White genocide theory doesn't make sence , Jews although mentally ill have very high IQ amongst the highest in the world they are far from stupid they know once whites are gone the world will decend on them like ants
Muslims despise them and black despise them like worse than hitker did so white genocide well it doesn't fit the theory ,
Russia along with USA and China all are building underground seed bunkers and tunnels , the noises you are hearing worldwide in the skies are these tunnels being drilled on hitting certain types of bedrock these noises are created
So let's look at the facts trillions upon trillions worldwide have been siphoned off so much Infact that it caused the first global crash in 2008 ..
We cannot all seven billion of us go into these tunnels and bases there just is no where near enough to room so what do the elite have to do ..
Create war , you fucking think these top notch gov scientists don't know what's coming , it's all writain the bible fffs they just got to work out when , now looking at prophesy and things being for filled were getting close , near the day of the Lord whilst all us are fighting worldwide they will slide into the bunkers whilst we are destroyed and there you have it ..
Nothing else makes sence , there is no other theory , this is the only thing that makes sence , look how much this racism and gun grab and political correctness and all this bullshit has took us away from stuff like Planet X , comets , stars missing on google sky , X in the ocean of Google etc
We are being took away from the truth people ..