There were quite a few older decent black church goers around when I was growing up in the deep South. They knew their place, meaning they were smart enough to know that they weren't as smart as the white man. Blacks were not as violent in those days. Segregation and serious punishment kept them in line. Not that the older decent ones showed those tendencies anyway. There were also the bad ones.
It's just that today they're mostly all bad--loud, disruptive, disrepectful, dumb as a box of rocks, etc. None of this is against the law, but it is black "microaggressions." Then we have huge numbers of really bad ones. So many more of them today than there used to be. Maybe police dogs, fire hoses, and burning crosses kept them in line. If so, let's bring back the old days.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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