FrankR #fundie
I don’t get this transgenderism, at all. AT 72, life was complicated enough just handling my “birth” gender, male. Why would any male want to undergo the mutilation and problems of changing into another sex.
The “best looking” SHemale (boy turned girl) I’ve ever seen, was ugly. If I saw Caitland coming down the street toward me, I would know first, “she” is a “he”, and secondly, I’d cross the street to keep from passing he/she/it on the sidewalk.
Most of these male to female transitions look no more like real women than did “Uncle Miltie” (Milton Berle) in the 50’s doing his drag comedy routine on TV. It’s just another step to shock and amaze others, like those with zillions of tattoos, metal studs sticking out of every orifice and available space on the face.
They do these things to themselves, and then lament that others don’t “support” them, or “respect” them. And, in my opinion, I don’t support or respect them. They’re nuts. Starving for attention at the most primal level, the desire to be a completely different person, gender and all. The media eats it up. They live in the same mindset. And, so long as the weirdoes get this attention, they’ll keep acting out these fantasies.
One day, they might wake up. It might be too late. They’ll be old, and lonely...hideous with faded tattoos covering their now, unrecognizable faces, and having the usual problems and diseases of getting old. Meanwhile, the rest of us should go on with our lives; we didn’t create the problem, and we (as individuals) don’t have to fix it.