The Number 13 Means Rebellion
“Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer, and in the thirteenth year they rebelled.” —Genesis 14:4
There is something called the law of first beginnings, that is, where something originated. You'd be surprised how many things originate from the Bible. I believe that the number 13 originates with Nimrod at the tower and city of Babel, who was the thirteenth from Adam. Also, in Genesis 14:4, “Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer, and in the thirteenth year they rebelled.” The number 13 represents REBELLION. Coincidence? Perhaps the most obvious origin of the number 13 and it's meaning is the fact that a child becomes rebellious at around age 13. You decide!
“Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer, and in the thirteenth year they rebelled.” Genesis 14:4
That's a mistranslation.
You know what actually represents Rebellion?:
Committing sins: after claiming to be 'Saved'.
Fact: Once one is Saved, you aren't allowed to so much as think of committing any sins. Ever. Apparently Josh Buggar & Roy Less didn't get that memo, though.
Now: what was it that a certain man said to a certain woman he'd just saved from a judgemental stone-wielding mob: after he'd forgiven her, David J. Pedo...?!
What does a plane by Hawker Siddeley have to do with the Bible? Unless it was changed to something like "Jane's Defence Weekly", then I would certainly read it religiously .
Do they not have malls or supermarkets on Guam?
Children become rebellious at any age, doofus. If they find that a temper tantrum gets them what they want, they'll rebel at 2, 4, 8, or during an election campaign.
13 is traditionally considered unlucky, although certain people have disagreed, like Wiccans, Pagans and David J. Stewart's favourite singer.
Gee ancients attached meaning to numbers, what a revelation! It wouldn't have anything to do with most people not being able to read and their main timekeeper being the moon and the educated taking advantage of that?
The Romans, Greeks, Persians and astrologers of every nation were doing high math while the Jews were still tying knots in yarn to keep track of their sheep or measure distance. Thousands of years before they plagiarized their myths from the surrounding, often ruling nations.
So it's one thing for them to portray numbers as magical back then, to play the rubes, but it's ridiculous that you're still working that con today.
Stu! You speak of rebellion like it's a BAD thing! If someone in charge is being a dumbass then it's right for those under them to rebel!
@Citizen Justin
Y'got that right, baby!....
image image
....Black Kitties are GOOD Luck, too!....
(CAT: "Yuh feelin' luckeh, punk?")
....This one has The Sun and The Moon in it's eyes!
My namesake, Spuki , was a cute black kitty my sister owned briefly (then one day Spuki disappeared, I miss her). I will never forget Her Spukiness in that brief time I knew her.
I wanna get another black kitteh and name it Spuki!
I don't need to decide. It's obvious you're an idiot, Stewie.
How this all started:
If you could read, write, do math, or tell what date it was on the calendar, you were probably keeping it as a trade secret back in Bible times. Some of the nonsense in "holy" writ started out as mnemonics for these "temple secrets". See "mind palace," but I digress.
Why are there 360 degrees in a circle? Was it supposed to be 400 and somebody goofed? No. 360 is divisible by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 12. Pretty handy if you're dividing things up. It has been suggested that the Star of David is an abacus of sorts for this system. Absent from the list above: (lucky) 7, 11, which are inside the parameters, and (unlucky) 13, which is outside the parameters.
All else is obfuscation and outright garbage.
I was more rebellious as a child than I was as a teenager. Though I suppose you would have found me rebellious as a teenager since I painted my nails, had long hair, and always wore black and a lot of Manson t-shirts. Though that was after I was 15. Not every person becomes rebellious at 13. Also the 13 thing is just superstition. As I recall in Japan 4 is considered bad luck
I truly appreciate your love of animals but please just make sure that when you do adopt another cat, that you`ll be giving him all the care and safety, because suddenly dissapearing cats invoke the concept of letting them out, something which should never be done. If you wish I can bury you knee-deep in proffesional cat literature which gives all the necessary arguments as to why cats should never be allowed outside unless in a safely secured and netted area.
Hope you can forgive my tone here, I am well aware letting cats out is a long standing tradition and many, many folks consider it compeltely harmless, but it is anything but. Cats are our symbiotic species and their place is at our side in our homes, not alone, exploring a hostile environment filled with cars, potential aggresive dogs or degenerate psychos of our own species, both large and small. I write these words in care because as you`re probably aware I`m myself living with 2 lovely felines, one of them pure black and if I overreact, it is only because these creatures are so dear to my heart. I`m a cat lover through and through and if I could, I`d give them all the basic securities and protections we benefit from(like a real, painfully long prison sentence for murdering one). I see them as fully sentient and this drives me to be even more protective of them since every lost cat life is a unique and beautiful flame forever extinguished. They made our civilisation possible without being swarmed by hordes of disease-ridden vermin and just for that we owe them the very best lives we can give them. :)
Well I don’t believe that the age 13 has to do with it as children are rebellious before age 13, but it is true that Satan likes certain numbers so he decided to have there be rebellions related to the number 13.
By the way, I discovered David J Stewart’s twitter account. He has 9 followers. I have 18. Follow my twitter account @ViviMortuis1999 I will contact him in the future and challenge him.
Don't worry, my friend. I'm strictly a "Cats stay indoors" person, as is my sister.
Spuki just slipped out of the door somehow.
@Jacob Harrison
That seems like the most trollish thing to say
Being the Attention Whore he is, that's all Jerkob can do.
A cat that can phase through doors?! Awesome! X3
My most sincere apologies then, I believe you`ll have a great friendship with your next cat with your attitude towards those lovely creatures!
Yeah he is but this was, I dunno, too obvious somehow?
Well since you heathens have moral standards you are disgusted with David J Stewart for being a child molester. Even though you despise me, if I challenge him your will begin to see me as the enemy of your enemy and therefore begin to listen more to what I have to say.
It is the enemy of my enemy is my friend mentality.
The enemy of my emnemy does not make us friends. I do not despise you as much as find you misguided and more into church and dogma than spirituality. Doesn't make you bad guy. As to David he does but not only for child molestation but for his hypocrisy and his hatred. Which, coincedentally is why I am not a fan of the church
@Jacob Harrison
You say this like it`s some sort of a system command overriding all previous thought. Perhaps for you and you kind but you`ll be suprised how many mutually exclusive bigots we can hold in contempt. What we despise are your ideas, your outlook on life and your unwillingness(if not inability) to adjust your dogma to our current scientific and medical knowledge as well as your tribalistic tendencies, which you seem to be somehow proud of to boot.
Granted you are not as despicable a piece of utter terran trash as Stewie the pedo but you will not find any sympathy on these grounds alone, that much I can promise you.
Oh yes, because nobody could count above 12, until Nimrod came to town. Got any more asinine comments today, Davey Rocky? No, well you will tomorrow.
I have heard that it's because there are 13 moon months in a year. This was considered a significant number by ancient peoples, but post Christianity, it was associated with witchcraft.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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