David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The truth is out here - - but it won't be for long - - because the government is steadily closing down everyone that is trying to get the real truth out to the people! The government stops books, people, printers, etc. - - and soon they will find a way to stop the truth on the web, as well. They are already working on it.

They are calling it "censorship of pornography to protect our children" ---but that's a cover to really get at the web sites that are trying to warn and wake up the people to the truth! Once they pass a "web censorship law" (and they will), they can label anything they want as "pornography" by the way they will have this law worded! It's all in the PLAN of the government to control YOU and everybody else!

By the way, this also goes against our US Constitution - - - for ANY law passed that is NOT VOTED IN BY THE PEOPLE, is an ILLEGAL law!!!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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