Darwinism is a ridiculous, made-up term. We understand and accept the ToE which has progressed significantly since the lifetime of Darwin. We do not follow or worship Darwin.
"is about racial hygeine societies"
"racial hygeine societies?" Only a gross misunderstanding of the ToE can bring one to think that racism has anything to do with evolution.
"and abortions' goal is to weed undesirables."
First, abortions don't have goals.
Second, there are many reasons women have abortions.
Last, very, very, very few if any women have abortions to change to racial make up of society.
"The pro deathers can't create life. They can destroy it."
I am pro-death. I support the option of voluntary euthanasia. I support the option to take the brain-dead off life-support. When your time is up, move on. I do not accept that an abortion is the death of an human being.
P.S. Pro-lifers and pro-choice supporters can create life. That's why our species still exists.