For anyone unaware of these facts, please research the history of "Jewish Ritual Murder," which many have been convicted for throughout history and is the reason they have been kicked out of 109 countries in the last 2000 years. "Kosher slaughter" is the Jewish form of slaughter whereby the animal is inverted and chokes on its own blood after having its throat slit and a Jewish prayer whispered in its ear. "Jewish Circumcision" is another beastly act where they mutilate their own baby boys on the eighth day by cutting off their foreskin then SUCKING (with their mouth) the blood from the freshly cut penis. Then compare this with what you're not taught about Adolf Hitler: He was a vegetarian who loved animals, made the first anti-animal cruelty laws in the world, and before Judah declared war on Germany, he had a plan to close down all German slaughterhouses. YouTube just deleted my entire channel of 7 years, 135k subs and 28 million views for exposing the facts I've relayed in this comment. To learn more, please watch the video which caused YouTube to delete my channel: "Adolf Hitler vs. The Jew World Order" (The 3 hour 46 minute version) Peace
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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