The shuttle does not orbit the earth, it is kept in flight through rocket propulsion. Nothing orbits the earth.
Right-o, the moon and the earth just, uh, circle each other warily, yeah...
That's not right. When the shuttle gets up there, it hooks itself up to some pitons that were left in the firmament by other missions. When it wants to come down, it just abseils.
The moon is super-glued to the firmament. Superman did that back in the 1830s.
Is T&T an Uncyclopedia refugee?
Ok, class- today's assignment- write an essay with equally massive amounts of fail and stupid in 20 words or less.
T&T submits this gem-
The shuttle does not orbit th earth- it is kept in flight through rocket propulsion. Nothing orbits the earth.
WOW- this assignment nets T&T an A+!
Science- F-
Physics- F-
Princess Rot wrote:
"Gravity does not exist?"
Gravity is more a convenient explanation or model rather than an actual physical object (although some speak of the graviton, which, to my knowledge, still evades discovery). The General Theory of Relativity replaces Newtonian conceptions of gravitation with a much simpler structure, namely the spacetime manifold. Of course, for most practical work (e.g., engineering), thinking of gravitational forces as real generally suits the purpose.
So how does the moon stay up there?
@Emberrased Theist: CARM is a site where fundies can discuss their utter lack of science and T&T is a known fundie here, he just hasn't been very active lately.
Osiris wrote:
"So how does the moon stay up there?"
It's an error to think of "up" in space, as the term is literally meaningless in that context. All objects with non-negative mass apparently obey the principle of least action. So, locally the moon's path is linear.
"The shuttle does not orbit the earth, it is kept in flight through rocket propulsion."
Propulsion got it there and probably helps to stabilize the orbit but it doesn't "keep" it there necessarily.
"Nothing orbits the earth."
Yeah, it's not like there's some large body that orbits our planet or anything. Or satellites. Or a million or so bits of space junk.
He's right, the earth orbits the shuttle.
How can these people not realize that their knowledge prevents them from getting good paying jobs, that rely on such knowledge. There's no friction to slow the shuttle down, durrrr!
jc wrote "so your saying theres no gravity?"
Fundies can not believe in gravity because gravity is ONLY a theory. At least, that's one of their primary arguments against evolution. If they are going to use that argument for one theory, they should at least be consistent and use it for all theories. Therefore, in a fundie's mind, gravity does not exist
There's something redeeming to this, it isn't new.
It was submitted quite a while ago under a longer version of the same quote. T&T has not returned to my knowledge.
And all of those sattelites that bring you the PTL network (is that still around?) how do they stay where they are.
Or is it all lies and they're really just stuck up in the firmament?
Never mind, I don't think I want to hear his answer.
I've figured out fundy gravity! It is not a physical aspect of the universe, but is instead propulsion fueled by all our sins, and THAT's why Jesus ascended, he had no sins.
Well, of COURSE nothing orbits the Earth.
If we even TRIED to send a sepacecraft up high enough, it would bang into the Vault of the Heavens that holds back the Waters Above.
I believe T&T has stated, in a previous post quoted here, that gravity does not exist, but is in fact caused by the relative "sinfulness" of an object (which adds more weight to said object in T&T's theory). Has anyone else seen that quote?
He's probably going to get called to task on THAT, no matter how dedicated to Divine Intervention physics others may be. It should be interesting to hear him explain his understanding of cosmology. Do the Earth, Sun, Moon, Jupiter, etc. orbit God?
Satellites, the Moon, the shuttle, and every calculation ever made by NASA [Except maybe the tip when they ordered pizza] disagree.
Sorry, fellow FSTDT'ers, but the sheer fail of this revival of one of the most famous twits on here let loose a well spring of emotion.
(If this is not indeed a recent return, my apologies for the outburst).
Yeah, Ok. Not quite the way I would put it. Once the rocket is shut down, or Main Engine Cut Off (MECO), the INERTIA from the rocket's propulsion is what keeps shuttle from immediately falling back to earth, thus the shuttle orbits the earth. It's a declining orbit, as gravity works to slow the shuttle down, but the height of the shuttle above the planet at MECO, plus the speed of the shuttle means that a correctional rocket burn is not needed for the duration of it's mission (that I'm aware of). I hope I haven't oversimplified the problem.
So, what does it know better?, NASA who has designed and developed the project with a certain budget or you, who have no idea of anything whatsoever?
tracer wrote
If we even TRIED to send a sepacecraft up high enough, it would bang into the Vault of the Heavens that holds back the Waters Above.
The Tower of Babel reached almost to heaven, and the Book of Jubilees tells us it was 5433 cubits and 2 palms high, fractionally over a mile and a half. So the Vault of Heaven can't be far above that.
Even neglecting the very obvious and visible ball of dirt and rock that orbits our planet, do they really believe that man made satellites carry enough rocket fuel on them to stay in flight manually for that length of time? They have enough chemical or solar panels to keep them on, but what they carry couldn't propel them for even a single orbit.
marty wrote:
"Once the rocket is shut down, or Main Engine Cut Off (MECO), the INERTIA from the rocket's propulsion is what keeps shuttle from immediately falling back to earth, thus the shuttle orbits the earth. It's a declining orbit, as gravity works to slow the shuttle down,"
Sorry, but I've gotta correct you there.
It's not gravity that slows down an orbiting Space Shuttle, it's drag . In low Earth orbit, you're still within the outer-outer-outermost fringes of the Earth's atmosphere, and the teensy tinsy amount of air molecules up there are enough to very gradually slow an orbiting object down.
Of course, the way orbital mechanics work, slowing something down means that it orbits lower. As an object in low Earth orbit gets slowed down by drag, it drops to a lower orbital altitude, which means it gets subjected to more drag, which slows it down faster, until finally it's low enough that it's basically undergoing re-entry. This is what brings all those old low-Earth-orbiting satellites back to Earth. You'll notice that nothing we've placed in a HIGH Earth orbit has ever had this problem -- because up there, the amount of drag is effectively nil.
Wait, what about christians who say everything orbits the Earth..... HEY COME ON, if all of you agree on all your dogma, I'll LISTEN!
There has been only one Christian. They caught him and crucified him--early. - Mark Twain
Oh, yes. The Universe is a series of concentric spheres taking everything, Moon included, round the Earth which lies at the center of the Universe. Hell is below our feet, and Heaven is beyond the dome of the stars. T&T is tating us all back to the Middle Ages.
Likewise, nothing orbits the Sun. The Earth must be kept in its orbit by rocket propulsion to stop it falling into the Sun. The Earth has a mass of 6.0*10^24 kg. I am simply too lazy to calculate how much work that involves, or how big a rocket would be needed to move an object that size. You fail Physics and Planetary Astronomy.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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