I was listening to the news one day, and was saddened by what I heard. A young teenage mother got angry at her mother, so angry that she threw her own baby out of a second-story window which led to the babies death. Oh that foolish mother, who LED her own daughter, to commit such a horrible crime. I'm not justifying the daughter's act of murder; BUT, that mother is the culprit. Do you think God is blind to such influences? Do you think God will not hold the lazy and careless wife accountable, who drives her husband to sin? I'm not condoning domestic violence, I'm just saying that some foolish women CAUSE it, by LEADING their husbands to the point of blowing up. God will judge every man who is abusive to his wife; BUT, he will hold a lazy, careless, and disobedient wife even more responsible.
What? Seriously, what? No, the mother is not to blame unless SHE threw the baby out the window, or somehow MADE the daughter do so (and no, the daughter getting angry does not mean the mother is to blame).
Not even getting into the husband-wife thing you've got going there. So many thoughts, so little time. I guess there is one thing: So the husband gets to be lazy and disobedient?
"I'm not doing this.I'm not doing that"
-Proceeds to do exactly this and that.
A bit like "I'm not racist BUT..."
Short of the Imperious Curse or Charlie Manson levels of brainwashing, no one can make you do anything.
You're still a kiddy diddler of your own accord.
So what did your mother do to cause you to diddle children, Davey?
Oh wait, your mother had nothing to do with it. It's totally on you, like the baby's murder is totally on the daughter.
I'm just saying that some foolish women CAUSE it, by LEADING their husbands to the point of blowing up.
So... you are saying it would be your fault if I punched you in the nose then? You've led me to anger many times...
Good to know, actually.
Perhaps a teenager is too young to be a mother? She ought to have had access to affordable contraceptives and been given an extensive sexual education before puberty.
Why was the teenager mad at her mother? Well, all teenagers are rebelling against their parents; it's part of growing up. Which is why you shouldn't have kids of your own during this turbulent time, stupid.
How did the husband get into this? And whose husband, btw?
I have a cousin who is a real turd. It isn't the parents fault, the other siblings are fine. It isn't the rest of the family's fault, they have bent over backwards to try to fix the issues. (And all the cousins are fine too)
If you knew all the things we did to try to sort the issue out, you wouldn't even think to blame the family.
And there is the point to this story. We don't know all the things that happened up to this point in the OP story. Yet you feel perfectly justified to blame the mother. You do this with full confidence and righteous surety.
If this isn't enough you have the balls to say what the creator, God of the universe, will judge in this situation. As if you have a clue.
Your imagination is small, your ego is huge, and that is before we deal with the "disobedient" wife implications.
It was that little girls' fault that you molested her too, wasn't it, Dave? Strutting around like a slut, she MADE you rape her.
I don't need no advice from no pedo about nuthin'. Go kill yourself, Dave.
Wow. Victim blaming for Jesus. Classy.
How on earth is the woman more responsible than the man for said man beating her or murdering her or raping her or etc? That's just ludicrous. The law definitely disagrees.
And how is a mother responsible for her daughter throwing her grandchild out of a window?? Talk about skewing a scenario-- infanticide of all things-- to fit one's sick perspectives and excuse the abuse and violence that women suffer.
The Christopathic asshole just has to be trolling, now... Please tell me that he's just a trolling asshole!
@SpukiKitty :
Why the Sandusky 2.0 name? DJS was a known, convicted child-molester quite some time before Sandusky's crimes became public knowledge, and beside the basic fact that they are kiddy-fiddlers, there is no major similarities between the DJS and Sandusky cases.
Now that this bit of nitpicking is out of the way, would you care for some company? I'll bring my nailbat and the tabasco sauce.
Huh? I'm sorry, I just can't follow the logic here. Teenager throws her baby out a window because she's mad at mom, therefore mom=whore who drives her husband to sin? At least make some sort of coherent argument, no matter how absurd, to justify your dickishness. Does not compute.
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