the left has become so angry, intolerant and vicious. Since they own 98% of all consumed media, they will destroy your life at the drop of a hat; They will label you a racist, bigot, "gunnut" or "islamophobe"(no such thing). I grew up in marin county, a bastion of liberalism and "progressives". I voted for obama the 2nd time...(my mom was campaigning for him), i was just a kid at 19. I am ashamed to say I Knew nothing of politics, I was a low information voter. AFTER TRAYVON EVERYTHING CHANGED, I was horrified and confused by the chokehold that the administration had on the media and didn't understand how they could be spinning such divisive rhetoric 24/7. Then I woke up, Progressives had a nasty agenda that involved social engineering with a "rules for radicals" style approach. They wanted race riots, race-hatred and unrest which they could use to their advantage. Thousands of young people are waking up and they aren't happy.
98%?? Every talk radio station has a right-wing stance. As far as I can see, the newspapers seem to be pretty evenly distributed, but that's in the north, and I know it's different in the south. Now what happened in the Trayvon Martin case that changed your mind? Was that the age when you found out that you've been a racist all your short life, but never had to face it before that? If all the media that you saw were in agreement, might I suggest that perhaps the facts of the case were compelling? You have no special insider knowledge that would tell you that they were putting a spin on it. I can only assume that your views don't square with the facts.
More like this:
Fox News is mostly far-right with a few centrist "token liberals" in the mix.
CNN ranges from middle-of-the-road to centre-right.
MSNBC is an interesting case. It's mostly centre-left to centre-right, with a few wingnuts (eg. Alan Keyes and Pat Buchanan) in the mix every now and again. Most voices on the left (eg. Schultz, Uygur, Olbermann) are eventually tempered if possible, and the bigger pundits like Matthews and Maddow are in many ways centrist or moderately conservative.
The TV media has more of a conservative bias than anything. Newspapers vary a lot. Talk radio is the major supplier of fascism (eg. Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin), but there are some left-wingers on talk radio too that are to the left of most TV pundits.
++"Since they own 98% of all consumed media"
I see someone has never listened to radio ever . Or Fox "News". Or CNN.
++"Then I woke up, Progressives had a nasty agenda that involved social engineering with a "rules for radicals" style approach. They wanted race riots, race-hatred and unrest which they could use to their advantage."
I don't know. Between their nationwide murder spree and said murderers frequently getting off with the lightest of wrist-tappings, it seems more like certain members of law enforcement are the ones trying to provoke those. The people standing up and saying "this is fucked" aren't to blame for simply pointing out what they're seeing and trying to change it. I just feel bad for the respectable cops getting painted as monsters by proximity. One wannabe Dirty Harry can counterbalance years of good works in mere seconds.
Every single word is a lie from Opposite land. In reality, the US media is overwhelmingly conservative, the right are the vicious, mean ones and the media despises the Obamas.
"They wanted race riots, race-hatred and unrest which they could use to their advantage."
Wow, that's working out so well eh? There are no race riots and the hatred, RACISM is directly from your type and the vaster louder right wing media.
Think about it, if the media was even 35% liberal your heroes (every Republican knob running for president right now) would be called on their bullshit every day. We know what's bullshit and report it on lefter web sites and the ENTIRE LEFT-WING media:
couple others
You know them that VAST Leftist threat that is heard a little but soooo threatening to losers like you.
"low information voter"
Left, properly used terminology hijacked by Limbaugh to refer to those that won't listen to his bullshit as he's been a habitual liar for over 30 years!
@Goomy pls
Fox is far right and "token liberals" don't count at all as their arguments are mostly fictional right wing liberal propaganda like they can't pass a tree without hugging it, hate real beef and hate Nugent and Palin because their "real 'mericuns an straight shooters who love freedom"
CNN is sometimes less that. Becoming more like Foxs early days then their own.
MSNBC is playing the field looking for a niche, unfortunately America has fallen so fuckin far down the rabbit hole that anyone expressing forward progressive ideas is violating the dukes rules or something and needs to find Jesus fast. Sooo, MSNBC prime time shits getting more right and anal obsessedevery year.
So now you know how we felt, up to late 2008.
And I knew very little of politics until 1979, when the one thing that became the main reason for my more than infinite hatred of everything - and everyone right-wing dared to infect our sacred political system: Maggie Thatcher (*spit *).
...still, she's removed her subhuman existence from us fortunately, and Planet Reality now bends to our will. Awwwww, so you're not 'happy', American't Inferior? Deal with it. >:D
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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