
Elon Musk and Alice Smith #fundie #wingnut #crackpot yahoo.com

In mid-March 2025, an X user posted (archived) that U.S. President Donald Trump's adviser, Elon Musk, "amplified" another user's post that displayed an image reading, "Stalin, Mao and Hitler didn't murder millions of people. Their public sector workers did." Readers also emailed Snopes to ask if Musk truly reposted the post.

A review of Musk's X activity found that on March 13, 2025, he truly reposted the thought saying that Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin, Communist China's founding leader Mao Zedong and German dictator and Nazi leader Adolf Hitler didn't murder millions of people, and that "public sector workers did." In other words, the repost genuinely existed, and no one doctored the screenshot with any image-editing tools. He later removed the repost on or following March 14.

Specifically, Musk used the repost function on X, previously known as a retweet in past years on Twitter, to share another user's post. That other user's post featured a screenshot of a different person's post (archived) about Stalin, Mao and Hitler, tweeted years before on Jan. 30, 2019.

Get It Right Mike #wingnut #racist #dunning-kruger yahoo.com

I think that Trump should Nationalize all of the DNC's assets and label them as a terrorist group.

Biden was spending $150 BILLION per year in his last two years to support the illegals free life here. While only spending $10 Billion on American Homeless which includes our Vets & Seniors. We were throwing AMERICANS out of rooms & shelters simply so as to give them to the illegals! NewsWeek Dec 29, 2022-- Tensions flared last fall in New York City when homeless Black Americans were removed from their shelter to be replaced by illegal aliens.-- 9NEWS 12/4/2023--AURORA, Colo-- In the middle of winter & right before the holidays Americans were kicked to the curb so that the illegals could have their rooms. So not only are we paying for the illegals rooms we are throwing out Americans to get the rooms. That is the Democrats true face & mindset.-- Remember this action in the next election!

Avi Rachlin #conspiracy #crackpot #racist #wingnut yahoo.com

Pro-gun advocate drops the n-word during testimony to Michigan Senate committee


The individual in question identified himself as Avi Rachlin, while his sign-in card said he was representing “Groypers for America,” referencing a far-right movement associated with white supremacist Nick Fuentes.

Testifying to the Michigan Senate Civil Rights, Judiciary and Public Safety Committee, Rachlin immediately began his remarks by angrily denouncing the bills, talking so loud that it distorted the audio being recorded.   

“Absolutely not. That is the message that voters sent last week when they decided to eject representatives from the state House and send Donald Trump into the White House. And rather than recognizing the will of the people in deciding to restore Republicans to the state house, Democrats have embarked on an effort of retaliation and retribution …”

[...] Sen. Stephanie Chang (D-Detroit), cut off Rachlin and asked him to speak to the bills at hand.


“This is legislation that targets white people. It is racial because the people who carry in the capital are primarily white. People who have CPLs [concealed pistol license] are primarily white, and this is retaliation for the only demographic that overwhelmingly voted to support Donald Trump. And that is why it is being taken out on us because you don’t like us,” Rachlin said.

Rachlin became increasingly angry leading up to when he used the slur.

“If you want to address gun violence, we would be focusing on the people who bring guns into communities and shoot people like where I live in Detroit where you represent Stephanie Chang, which are overwhelmingly 13-to-34-year-old Sub-Saharan African ni—rs. Those are the people who …”

Chang immediately gaveled down Rachlin and said they were moving on.

“I am testifying,” said Rachlin.

“Yep. And I am the chair, and I have gaveled you down,” said Chang.

Rachlin then angrily asked if Chang was going to have armed guards remove him.

“Armed men with guns?” he said.


Jesse Watters #dunning-kruger #elitist #mammon yahoo.com

Fox News’ Jesse Watters said he thought getting paid $20/hr was around six figures annually.

In a PBD podcast episode that aired on Saturday, Watters and host Patrick Bet-David discussed California recently raising the minimum wage for fast food workers to $20/hr in the state. Bet-David asked Watters for his view on the law. The Fox News host responded by asking Bet-David to work out the math.

“If you're making $20 an hour to work at a fast-food restaurant, is that six figures?” Watters asked.“No, 40 grand … Just two-x it and add a few zeros,” Bet-David replied. “$40k a year, full-time.”

“Okay, 40k a year. So and then if your husband or wife is also there you're making a hundred thousand dollars as a family … both working at McDonald's,” Watters said.

“80 grand,” Bet-David replied.

“That is crazy,” Watters said. “Because that job really doesn't require much so it's inflating the entire labor sector.”

Allister Heath #wingnut #racist #dunning-kruger yahoo.com

Those in today’s world who seek to exercise power over us – the woke mob, “human rights” lawyers, pressure groups, bureaucrats, politicians, regulators, big tech companies, HR departments, the post-liberal intelligentsia, the know-it-alls, the propagandists – are fully aware that free speech is their very own kryptonite. They dread scrutiny, and fear being held to account.

Their strategy to combat open and fearless expression can vary. Speech can be regulated or constrained by laws, directives or official guidance, as with ever-expanding privacy case law or “non-crime hate incidents”; bullying, shunning and cancelling dissidents can also work well, forging a toxic culture of self-censorship.

There is no better way to stamp out dissent than to cite a “speech code”, or claim that “the science” isn’t being followed, or to dismiss somebody’s opinion as a “conspiracy theory” (even when it is not) or to warn that somebody’s feelings are being hurt.

Several of the greatest global scandals of recent years could have been avoided had speech been freer. In Britain and Europe, cancel culture was deployed against anybody who questioned the scale and impact of mass migration, with sceptics smeared as racists. The Hunter Biden scandal was covered up, including by Facebook, which censored a New York Post story ahead of the 2020 elections. It became impossible to discuss the likelihood that Covid originated from an accidental lab leak in Wuhan; posts or articles would be removed from social media or search engines, and authors hounded as xenophobes.

Tim Sheehy #racist yahoo.com

Char-Koota News, the official news publication of the Flathead Indian Reservation, on Thursday published an article that contains audio of Montana GOP senatorial Tim Sheehy making racist and disparaging comments about Native Americans.

In an audio clip recorded at a fundraiser on November 6, 2023, Sheehy brags about roping and branding with members of the Crow Nation. He says “it’s a great way to bond with the Indians while they’re drunk at 8:00 a.m.”

Four days later, while speaking at a Hamilton campaign event, Sheehy told the audience he rode in the Crow Fair parade. “They’ll let you know when they like you or not, if Coors Light cans flying by your head… They respect that,” was heard on another audio clip.

Sheehy has a pattern of speaking about the Crow, according to Char-Koosta. At other events, Sheehy mimicked Crow tribal members calling him “white boy” and throwing Coors beer cans at his head when he misses a double-heel shot at their rodeo.

Mark Ellis #homophobia #dunning-kruger yahoo.com

It is hard to paint anything but a grisly face on this remorseless serial killer. There’s just nothing good to say about a homosexual psychopath who lured victims to his apartment and implacably snuffed them out. But if some obscure Home & Garden channel can overlook the unsavory backstory, there’s a doc here, a program that could catapult a seldom-watched network into cable prime time: What We Can Learn About Refrigeration From Jeffrey Dahmer.

various commenters #transphobia yahoo.com

RE: Trans sauna ban being considered in Germany

( bot )
Ban genital and breast surgery and synthetic hormones for all people and all ages.

Treat them for the mental disease.

Sex = gender.

Intersex = intersex or gender closer to the state at birth.

"Trans women" are men, period. They are delusional.

( lies )
It's sad how many people just don't care about women anymore. We are being sold out to biological men.

( David )
Trans women are not women. They are men pretending to be women.

( Kelly )
How many men would ever seriously date trans women? Because sooner or later they will be yelling about how men are discriminating against them because straight men refuse to date TW.

( Robert )
trans = fake/imposter/pretending to be something you are not

( lifeisntfair )
They woke crowd says sex and gender are 2 different things. I say they used to be the same thing until some mental patient needed to justify their delusion.

( Not given )
Women's rights are rapidly turning into mens rights.

These radical gender terrorist need to be stopped.

( Hopeless )
Great! Because trans aren't women at all. They're dudes

( isis )
The article should state, "Men who identify as women" wanting access to women's sauna's. The majority of men with gender dysphoria are heterosexual autogynephiles and pose a threat to women's safety.

( Kelly )
I just am flabbergasted at this whole thing. The Left progressives don't seem to care about their privacy or the privacy and rights of other women. Most women will not want to be in a sauna or locker room and then look over to see pee pee hanging out. These are traditional safe places. I don't care how trendy and cool you think you are (leftist women), why do you seem to despise women so much? And it is disgusting to hear a woman politician say, "these are women". No, they are not. How has it gone so far Left that the entire world and culture are falling apart? How have views changed so much in 10 years that now all of a sudden WOMEN (not Men) are having everything taken from them because a man with a pee pee "feels" he's a woman? How is that even possible when he has never experienced any of the trials and tribulations that come with womanhood? Womanhood is more than wearing a dress and wearing makeup. I feel like the world has lost its mind. And letting 14 yo change their sex (which is IMPOSSIBLE). It feels like the end of days.

Alberti #racist yahoo.com

But yet you guys do have much lower IQs according to many studies, grades and scores. and have never had a great civilization or done much of importance . Name one city, neighborhood or country that is all black and great and safe

Grace Christian School #fundie #homophobia #transphobia yahoo.com

Florida Christian school says students living gay or trans lifestyles will be asked to leave

A private Christian school in Florida told parents ahead of the coming school year that students will only be identified by their "biological sex" and said that students who are found "participating" in gay or transgender lifestyles will be asked to "leave the school immediately."

"We believe that God created mankind in His image: male (man) and female (woman), sexually different but with equal dignity," the email sent by Grace Christian School Administrator Barry McKeen to school community in June reads, according to NBC News.

"Therefore, one's biological sex must be affirmed and no attempts should be made to physically change, alter, or disagree with one's biological gender — including, but not limited to, elective sex reassignment, transvestite, transgender, or non-binary gender fluid acts of conduct (Genesis 1:26-28). Students in school will be referred to by the gender on their birth certificate and be referenced in name in the same fashion," the email continued.

The private Christian school is located in Valrico, Florida, which is less than 20 miles outside of Tampa. NBC News obtained a copy of the email, which was sent to parents on June 6 with the subject line, "Important School Policy Point of Emphasis. ... Please Read."

The email to parents states that the policies on gay and transgender issues are not new, but that parents "have to agree to all policies and procedures before your student may start school in August."

"Students who are found participating in these lifestyles will be asked to leave the school immediately," the email added.

McKeen spoke to Fox News Digital later on Sunday and explained that the rule applies to any student partaking in sexual activity outside of a marriage.

"We don't expect any of our students who are not married to be sexual, whether it be bisexual, heterosexual or homosexual," McKeen said on Sunday. "I tell people, if a kid came in the doors, exclaiming how he was having sex with his girlfriend that student would be expelled as well."

One mother said she pulled her high school daughter, who identifies as lesbian, from the school following the email.


Romana Didulo #conspiracy #mammon yahoo.com

(Romana) Didulo posted a series of “royal decrees” on Telegram claiming that bill payments are not necessary. “Decree 24” stated that electricity became free in Canada, while “Decree 23” declared water bills were now illegal. “Decree 79” claimed that rent prices had reverted to rates from 1955.

One of Didulo's followers pushed other believers to abide by the “royal decrees” after she “stopped paying hydro, weather, natural gas, property taxes, line of credit, and my credit cards.”

Many others who have also since posted about no longer paying their bills – including many who are elderly and rely on fixed incomes – have now had their utilities shut down and are collecting thousands of dollars’ worth of bills.

"Dear (Queen Romana), when will the service companies stop shutting off our services for nonpayment?" one follower commented. "I just had my water supply shut off today in Stratford, Ontario."

In response, Didulo told her believers that the bills were being sent by robots, and several of her followers began rallying to send emails to utility companies that “they are committing criminal offenses against We The People.”

Didulo also recently convinced her followers that she was in contact with President Joe Biden and receiving governmental orders. On April 30, Didulo posted a video to her YouTube channel where she claimed that President Biden requested for her to act as “the mediator between the United States and Russia.”

"I address you today as your commander in chief and Queen," Didulo said. "To the Russian and American people, I address you as the mediator between the United States and Russia pertaining to the Ukraine crises. I have been requested by the commander in chief of the United States armed forces to act as the mediator between Russia and the United States."

Vasily Nebenzya #conspiracy #crackpot #wingnut yahoo.com

Vasily Nebenzya, the Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN, has said that the Russian occupiers allegedly discovered drones in Ukraine that can "spread mosquitoes infected with dangerous viruses." [in his] speech at a session of the UN Security Council.

the Russian diplomat claimed that in March, Russian troops who were stationed in Kherson Oblast discovered "three drones equipped with 30-litre containers that can be used to spray biologically active substances".

He said that the United States had patented a drone capable of spreading mosquitoes infected with dangerous viruses.

"According to the description, such a drone transports a container with a large number of mosquitoes, the carriers of infections, to a targeted area and releases them.

While biting, mosquitoes infect people with pathogens of particularly dangerous diseases. The explanation directly emphasises that an infected serviceman will be unable to perform the tasks assigned to him, to conclude "the disease can be a more valuable military tool than the most modern weapons and military equipment."

It is noted that "such an infection among enemy servicemen would have a significant military effect".

Missouri State Senator Rick Brattin #psycho #wingnut yahoo.com

A Missouri senator on Monday pitched a bill that would allow the use of deadly force against protesters on private property and give immunity to people who run over demonstrators blocking traffic.

The proposal is one of several that follow sometimes violent protests in Missouri last summer over the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody, including demonstrations that blocked traffic on busy roads in the St. Louis area.

“To think that your right to protest enables you the right to stop traffic and literally stop people's ability to move about freely in this nation is a gross misunderstanding of our constitutional rights,” bill sponsor Sen. Rick Brattin said during the Monday hearing.

The Harrisonville Republican said blocking traffic can be dangerous if it stops ambulances or police from responding to emergencies.

Missouri civil rights leader the Rev. Darryl Gray told committee members that people also disagreed with how the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. protested, but “those same methods that you seek to criminalize are the same methods that helped to destroy Jim Crow laws, segregation and destroyed centuries of hatred and bigotry.”

He asked lawmakers not to expand the use of deadly force to those outside of law enforcement.

“If this bill is enacted it would vilify non-violent protesters,” Gray said. “I don’t believe that any members of this august body would deliberately seek to shield drivers who willfully choose to run over protesters.”

Brattin’s bill targets unlawful assemblies on a number of fronts, including making it a felony crime to block traffic as part of a protest. It also would expand misdemeanor harassment laws to include causing emotional distress during protests.

“People can't even go have a nice meal without being harassed, run out,” Brattin said. “I wanted to ensure that people are able to go and enjoy their freedoms and liberties just like anyone else should be able to.”

various commenters #transphobia yahoo.com

RE: Trans sauna ban being considered in Germany

( JPW )
I don't see why this even needs debate. It is a slap in the face to women and women's rights to allow a trans gender person in: a) a change room, b) a washroom, c) any other type of room designated for women. It is only common sense. As a civilization, we have gone much too far in adhering to woke principles, even when they violate common sense.

( elaine )
Women’s rights are rapidly disappearing under the weight of the gender confused rights. Women have a right to privacy from men and a man can never actually be a woman.

( Paul )
So I as a man , can say I am a woman and go into a sauna used by women? That would work for me, although it might become obvious I wasn't thinking like a woman, if you get my meaning.

( Not given )
Alot of women and young girls are complaining of that exact problem.

Its nothing more than camouflage for predators.

Radical gender terrorist must end

( Timothy Gibson )
The fact this is even a debate shows how far humanity has fallen in terms of general common sense. If you're a biological male, you use the MEN'S bathroom, sauna, dressing, room, whatever. You're either pro-woman or pro-trans, they're mutually exclusive and anyone who says they're both is just a bold-faced liar. Supporting the trans cult is a direct affront to the VERY long-winded effort woman went through to gain equal rights in civilized society, and the LGBT breaks it down at every opportunity.

Every woman on earth should be VERY concerned with this, the very idea of the trans cult's demented male members getting to just decide whether they want to use a woman's private space is like something straight out of an Orwell novel. The fact this is ACTUALLY happening in modern times is still stunning...

( Jason )
They should stop using the word ban because it’s not a real ban considering you’re still able to use the sauna that relates to your biological gender.

( Kelly )
But the media must say ban to outrage the leftists. I read an article on a trans boy who said a law that would not allow him to play soccer would leave him without sports to play. Uh, no, you can still play on a soccer team with your own sex.

( Donnie )
There is no such thing as trans women. There is no such thing as trans men. There is no such thing as non-binary people.

There are men and there are women. That is all.

Mike Braun #transphobia yahoo.com

GOP senator calls gender-affirming surgeries for minors ‘almost grotesque’ during hearing

Sen. Mike Braun (R-Ind.) pressed Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra over health care for transgender youth at a budget hearing on Wednesday, during which he characterized gender-affirming surgeries as “almost grotesque” in an exchange.


Braun, a member of the subcommittee, began his line of questioning by raising concerns about the use of “puberty blocking and hormone therapy drugs for gender transition.”

“Anytime a physician prescribes it, they’re doing it off-label. Would you agree that off-label prescriptions for usages not approved by the FDA [Food and Drug Administration] are potentially dangerous for patients, especially kids?” he asked.

Becerra in response assured that the FDA “would raise alarms if they saw that a particular medicine or treatment were being misused” and added that, “at this stage, what we know is that for a drug to be out there available, it has to be safe and effective, as FDA has found.”

“So what I would simply say with regard to this particular subject is when individuals go in for care it is their physician who is making that decision with them about what type of medicine or treatment they should receive,” he continued.

Braun appeared to make a jab at the Biden administration’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic shortly after, before pressing the secretary about “sex-change surgeries.”

“If you use that same logic on what we’ve just navigated through COVID, it seems like there would have been a different point of view and, to me, for many parents across the country, this has more potentially tragic consequences, and it seems like it’s a double standard,” he began.

“Let’s look at surgeries that would be even more impactful, and I’m not going to mention the particulars there. It’s almost grotesque to mention what could occur. Could you explain what irreversible top and bottom sex change surgeries are and why that is on the portal as well?” he asked.


Opp Police Department #fundie yahoo.com

A rural Alabama police department has taken to Facebook to blame its recent spike in homicides on young people who have “embraced Satan.”

On Tuesday, the Opp Police Department shared a Facebook post, saying that the recent homicides in the area are because young people “have turned away from God” and “embraced Satan” and that it’s time to “ask for God’s help to stop this.” The Facebook post was in response to two gunshot killings in two days in Covington County, near the Alabama-Florida state line.


Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith #wingnut yahoo.com

Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss.) appeared to endorse voter suppression during a campaign stop this month, saying efforts to undermine voting among liberals at certain colleges would be a “great idea.”

“And then they remind me that there’s a lot of liberal folks in those other schools who maybe we don’t want to vote,” Hyde-Smith can be heard telling a small crowd of young people outside her campaign bus in a video taken Nov. 3 and posted on online Thursday. “Maybe we want to make it just a little more difficult. And I think that’s a great idea.”

Sinead O'Connor #racist yahoo.com

Sinéad O'Connor Says She Never Wants to 'Spend Time with White People Again'
People Maura Hohman,People 9 hours ago
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Sinéad O’Connor is taking her commitment to her new religion one step further.

The 51-year-old “Nothing Compares 2 U” singer, who now goes by the name Shuhada Davitt, shared in a series of tweets early Tuesday that, a few weeks after officially converting to Islam, she wants to avoid everyone who does not share her spiritual beliefs.

In the first message, she wrote, “I’m terribly sorry. What I’m about to say is something so racist I never thought my soul could ever feel it. But truly I never wanna spend time with white people again (if that’s what non-muslims are called). Not for one moment, for any reason. They are disgusting.”

Jair Bolsonaro #wingnut #fundie #sexist #homophobia yahoo.com

Rio de Janeiro (AFP) - Right-wing ex-army captain and presidential front-runner Jair Bolsonaro is a controversial figure in Brazil, not least for a series of comments about torture, rape, homosexuals and women.

Ahead of the October 7 election first round, AFP takes a look at some of 63-year-old's most eye-catching comments.

- Torture -

-- "The dictatorship's mistake was to torture but not kill." -- Interview with Jovem Pan radio station, June 2016.

- "During the dictatorship, they should have shot 30,000 corrupt people, starting with the (then) President Fernando Henrique Cardoso, which would have been a great gain for the nation." -- Guotes carried by TV Bandeirantes, May 1999.

-- "For the memory of colonel Carlos Alberto Brilhante Ustra, the terror of Rousseff... my vote is yes!" -- After voting in favor of impeaching then-president Dilma Rousseff, a former guerrilla who was tortured under the military dictatorship, Bolsonaro dedicated his vote to retired colonel Ustra, the former head of the military dictatorship's intelligence services accused of having killed at least six people under torture.

- Killing -

-- "We're going to shoot the PT supporters in Acre." -- During a Workers' Party (PT) electoral meeting in the western state on September 1. His communications department subsequently said: "it was a joke, as always."

- Religion -

-- "God above all. This history of a secular state doesn't exist, no. The state is Christian and those who are against it can leave. The minority must bow to the majority." -- A meeting in Paraiba, February 2017.

- Race -

-- "I went to a quilombola (a settlement of African slave descendants) in Eldorado Paulista. The lightest Afro-descendent weighed seven arrobas (around 80 kilograms, 225 pounds). They don't do anything. They're no use even to procreate." -- During a conference at Rio de Janeiro's Hebrew Club following a visit to a quilombola.

-- "Preta, I'm not going to talk about promiscuity with anyone. I won't run that risk, because my sons were brought up very well and they haven't lived in environments such as is, unfortunately, yours." -- When singer and presenter Preta Gil, the daughter of renowned musician Gilberto Gil, asked him on TV Bandeirantes in March 2011 how he would react if one of his sons fell in love with a black woman. Later, Bolsonaro said he'd misheard the question and thought it referred to a possible homosexual relationship.

- Women -

-- "It saddens me to see the entrepreneurial world in Brazil, because it's a misfortune to be a boss in our country, with so many labor laws. Between a man and a young woman, what will the entrepreneur think? 'Damn, this woman's got a ring on her finger, she'll be pregnant soon, she'll be on maternity leave for six months...' Who's going to pay the bill? The employer. In the end it's deducted from social security but the work rhythm is broken. And when she returns, she'll take a month-long vacation. In the end, she works five months in one year." -- Interview with Zero Hora newspaper, December 2014.

- Rape -

-- "She doesn't deserve to be raped because she's very ugly. She's not my type, I'd never rape her. I'm not a rapist, but if I was, I wouldn't rape her because she doesn't deserve it." -- Bolsonaro speaking to Zero Hora in December 2014, explaining why he previously told leftist deputy, Maria do Rosario: "I wouldn't rape you, you don't deserve it."

- Homosexuals -

-- "I wouldn't be able to love a gay son. I wouldn't be a hypocrite, I'd prefer a son to die in an accident than appear with a moustacho." -- Interview with Playboy magazine, June 2011

Ron DeSantis #racist yahoo.com

Regarding Andrew Gillum, who is black, winning the Democratic nomination in the Florida governor's race

The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state.

Laura Ingraham #racist yahoo.com

Because in some parts of the country, it does seem like the America that we know and love doesn’t exist anymore. Massive demographic changes have been foisted upon the American people. And they’re changes that none of us ever voted for, and most of us don’t like. From Virginia to California, we see stark examples of how radically in some ways the country has changed. Now, much of this is related to both illegal and, in some cases, legal immigration that, of course, progressives love.

pete #fundie yahoo.com

[Commenting under "Klansman Edgar Ray Killen, convicted in the 1964 slayings of 3 civil rights workers, is dead: A look back"]

Michael Schwerner and Andrew Goodman were jews


Schwerner and Goodman got what they deserved, they were jew supremacists who didn't like blacks in the least, they just hated whites

Donald Trump #racist yahoo.com

As Durbin explained how deal would impact ppl from Haiti, Trump said, "Haiti? Why do we want people from Haiti here?" Then they got Africa. 'Why do we want these people from all these shithole countries here? We should have more people from places like Norway."

Jim Ziegler #fundie yahoo.com

An ally of Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore, who is combating allegations that he had sexual contact with underage women, defended Mr Moore by noting the age gap separating the parents of Jesus Christ.


[Moore] retains supporters in his home state, among them Alabama State Auditor Jim Ziegler. Mr Ziegler told the Washington Examiner that “there’s nothing to see here”, noting that the alleged encounters would have occurred decades ago and that the women quoted by the Post did not say intercourse occurred.

Then Mr Ziegler floated a religious justification, noting the age gap between the parents of Jesus Christ.

“Take Joseph and Mary”, Mr Ziegler told the Examiner. “Mary was a teenager and Joseph was an adult carpenter. They became parents of Jesus”.

Rendy and Ronald Wright #fundie yahoo.com

A Texas couple allegedly locked their 7-year-old son out of their home and told him not to return because they believed he was possessed by demons.

The boy’s mother, Rendy Wright, 39, and the boy’s stepfather, Ronald Wright, allegedly kicked the young boy out of their home in late August for misbehaving, reports said.

Read: McDonald's Cashier Tried to Flush Baby After Giving Birth at Work: Cops

Authorities were dispatched to the Wrights’ home in the town of Hooks after receiving a 911 call from a neighbor. The boy told police his parents informed him he was not allowed to go home, People reported.

The neighbor reportedly told police that the 7-year-old had played at his home with his son all day but then he told the boy it was time to go home and dropped him off.

The boy reportedly returned to the neighbor's home 10 minutes later, crying and explaining that his mother had locked him out.

“Keith Wright told him to go away and never return home again, ever. He said that his mother locked him out of the house and told him the same,” court papers said.

The boy’s parents allegedly told police they had consulted a preacher about the child’s behavior, and were told he is possessed by demons.

They allegedly confirmed to police that they had locked their son out.

The parents are both charged with abandoning or endangering a child.

Rep. Tim Walberg #fundie yahoo.com

Rep. Tim Walberg (R-Mich.) told a constituent last week that God can solve the problem of climate change if the global phenomenon truly exists.

The 66-year-old Republican, who is a climate chance skeptic, made the remark at a town hall in Coldwater, Michigan, on Friday.

“I believe there’s climate change,” Walberg said, according to a video of the exchange obtained by HuffPost. “I believe there’s been climate change since the beginning of time. I believe there are cycles. Do I think man has some impact? Yeah, of course. Can man change the entire universe? No.”

“Why do I believe that?” he went on. “Well, as a Christian, I believe that there is a creator in God who is much bigger than us. And I’m confident that, if there’s a real problem, he can take care of it.”

Yahoo! News commenters #racist yahoo.com

[Angry Paris Protest Over Killing of Chinese Man Runs Into Second Night]

Top Reactions

Eddie22 days ago
Are these Chinese dare to come back to China to protest? I am sure they will run over by tanks and get killed immediately by machine guns from the communist Chinese.
Chinese. You're NOT welcomed anywhere in the world. Come back to your country!!!!!!!
ReplyReplies (4)84

David22 days ago
Ummmm STOP saying Asian community. IT'S #$%$ CHINESE Community. Kick all them Chinese back to China where they can protest all they want. If they don't see justice in Paris or anywhere beside China then GTFO.
ReplyReplies (2)64

GWB22 days ago
bring in the machine guns and kill more, they will get out of France and go back to their chithole in china where they belong, the chinese are filthy.
ReplyReplies (4)107

Chocolate Thunder
Chocolate Thunder22 days ago
protesters in red china and get RAN OVER BY TANKS or SHOT IN THE BACK. red chinese cause trouble in the West, but are very quiet in red china....

Complicated Simpleton
Complicated Simpleton22 days ago
Was his name Sum Ting Wong?

bill21 days ago
Hopefully these Chinese will burn Paris to the ground. Those Frenchies deserve it.

watson21 days ago

American Citizen #fundie yahoo.com

A 19-year-old aspiring model was killed by a train during a photo shoot at the tracks.

Heartbreaking? Reports released in 2 successive days for what? An unmarried pregnant 19 year old from a broken family who was working on her second child with a 25 year old bum outside of Houston gets run over by a BNSF freight train for lack of common sense. Great story. Next!

[various commenters] #fundie yahoo.com

[These quotes are in response to an article titled Canadian bacteria-like fossils called oldest evidence of life]

Gary: Please tell me the fossils had date stamps on them. If not it is like other articles I keep hearing about they are just making it up. I just read about them finding 8 or 9 planets trillions of miles away they claim are the size of earth and have a climate that can support life BS

Jeremy: What do they do when they "find" a 6 Billion year old creature? How about a 25 Billion year old creature? How about a Trillion year old creature?Why, MOVE THE GOALPOSTS!! ALL HAIL GOD DARWIN, LORD OF EVOLUTIONISM, AND HIS POPE HOLINESS #$%$ DAWKINS.

[various commenters] #fundie yahoo.com

[These quotes are in response to an article titled Canadian bacteria-like fossils called oldest evidence of life]

SanSooMaster: Just another contrived discovery by scientists desperate for fame. Perhaps all you Bible trashing tunnel vision anti-religion bone heads should try rounding out your limited knowledge base by studying the evidence for a young Earth, and the unreliable dating methods used by these so-called scientists.

Steven: I'm always amazed by blind faith of the religious. Tell someone a fossil is billions of years old with no way to verify and they believe without question. Tell them an organism complex beyond our ability to design is the product of intelligent design and they think you're the crazy one.

mark: Microfossils up to almost 4.3 billion years old found in Canada of microbes are similar to the bacteria that thrive today. WOW. Just Wow. More Living Fossils.
It is amazing how many billion and million year old fossils look just like creatures living today.
Hey, do you think we will ever find fossils that show a transition from one animal to another, like Chuck said we would have to in order to prove his theory correct?

[various commenters] #fundie yahoo.com

[These quotes are in response to an article titled Canadian bacteria-like fossils called oldest evidence of life]

JUST John: Stupidest article ever. Nothing can be accurately dated beyond a few thousand years. Ask any scientist how these things are measured and you will either get truth (what I just stated) or you will get a circular argument. Found next to old fossils (also not measured) or some other ridicules answer. This has nothing to do with creation (which has a lot better evidence) but rather has to do with dishonest scientists and those they browbeat into repeating these falsehoods.

William: Wow, Bible Haters are out in force today. but let's look at that article again. The microbes stayed the same. Is this really PROOF OF EVOLUTION? NO, not for a second. It is proof that the same building blocks of life today were in place millions of years ago- and were already highly complex. Is this why you are attacking Christians? Because this article is not proof of what you want to believe? I think this is the case, because I have seen this happen before on other weak "scientific" developments. You guys froth at the mouths when ever an "extinct" species is found to be alive and well- and unchanged. Somehow this is the fault of the Christians. WHY?

TO STATE THE OBVIOUS. In the book of Genesis the planet earth was already there. I might think that there is plenty of ground right there to work on. Life before Genesis, what was it like? Why do we keep finding species of critter that we thought were extinct, through Evolution, unevolved? Maybe it is time for a paradigm shift.

zoie: Scientist tell us that this rock is so many billions of years old and this fossil 4.3 million years old. Yeah right. Humanity is dangerously unbalanced and broken. I doubt that science has the true means of calculating how old things really are. It is just guess work, carbon 14 dating is all about a standard reference and who says that carbon 14 was the same millions of years ago.

Don't get hoodwinked by what the month of man/women dictate to you. You have a mind of your own use it.

[various commenters] #fundie yahoo.com

[These quotes are in response to an article titled Canadian bacteria-like fossils called oldest evidence of life]

Robert: For everyone that read that these fossils are 3.77 billion years old, do you know what you have? You have FAITH that they're this old, faith that the dating method used by your beloved yet unknown scientists is accurate. Your faith in the opinion that these 3.77 billion year old fossils is true is the same as my faith in the opinion that THEY'RE NOT. Ok?

Veda: Life began with God! That's all we need to know! Atheists are such fools! They do not want to be accountable for their immorality!

Michael: Still waiting for an atheist to explain his/her faith that life can be created from non-life.
One of the many examples of the leaps of faith required of atheists- that is contrary to empirical laws of science.
The more informed the atheist the more faith is required in his convictions. The more informed the Christian, the less faith is required.

Seek the truth my friends - you will not find the truth in our secular media. God is knocking at your door - you only get the opportunity to open it this side of death.

Don #wingnut #homophobia yahoo.com

After being a life- long Democrat, since Carter ,I’ll be voting Republican for several reasons such as the disproportionate proliferation of HOMOSEXUAL TV programs and movies and the GUN GRAB ATTEMPTS by the Democratic Party. But , these next reasons really burn me up ! Recently, an openly HOMOSEXUAL teacher in EFLAND , N.C. recently read the book,” KING AND KING “, TO HIS 3RD GRADE CLASS. It’s the story of TWO HOMOSEXUAL PRINCES getting married and it shows them kissing. Also The Girl Scouts of America has been FORCED, by HOMOSEXUAL Groups, TO ACCEPT BOYS WHO IDENTIFY AS GIRLS.
There even pushing to have sex education taught in Kindergarten "Chicago Passes Sex-Ed for Kindergartners -
ABC News"
"Obama: Sex Ed for Kindergartners 'Is the Right Thing to Do'

Obama directive forces schools to allow transgender students to use bathrooms consistent with their gender identity !

In the state of California, heterosexual married couples can no longer be referred to as Husbands and Wives , Democrat Governor Jerry Brown has signed a bill into law that not only redefines marriage, but eliminates any reference to husband and wife, replacing each with the Generic Term Spouse !

People this is beyond the pale. The rampant proliferation of this kind of behavior is what we can expect if we continue to let the 2% TAIL OF THE HOMOSEXUAL POPULATION continue to WAG THE ENTIRE DEMOCRATIC PARTY. The REPUBLICAN PARTY is our last hope in maintaining some kind of MORAL COMPASS AND TRADITIONAL FAMILY VALUES that are the foundation of this Country . Voting in a another Democratic president will give them the opportunity to appoint 3-4 new Liberal Supreme Court Justices giving the Court a LIBERAL MAJORITY FOR GENERATIONS. Meaning we can expect more of this. The following is the Genesis of a Lawsuit filed in 2006 against the reading of the HOMOSEXUAL BOOK.”KING AND KING” TO 7 YEAR OLDS IN A CLASSROOM.

Funny how you can’t read a lesson from the bible in a classroom .but you can PROMOTE HOMOSEXUAL MARRIAGE TO 2ND AND 3RD GRADERS !!!!

In 2006 Robb and Robin Wirthlin and David and Tonia Parker filed a federal lawsuit against the school district of Eastbrook Elementary School, which their second graders attended in Lexington, Massachusetts. The Wirthlins' son's teacher had read King & King aloud to the class as part of an educational unit on weddings. Parents countered that the school's job was to teach about the world and that Massachusetts sanctioned same-sex marriage The plaintiffs claimed that using the book in school constituted sex education without parental notification, which would be a violation of their civil rights and state law. Robin Wirthlin appeared on CNN, saying
“ We felt like seven years old is not appropriate to introduce homosexual themes. My problem is that this issue of romantic attraction between two men is being presented to my seven-year-old as wonderful, and good and the way things should be. Let us know and let us excuse our child from the discussion. ”


The judge dismissed the lawsuit, saying "Diversity is a hallmark of our nation. The Wirthlins and the Parkers appealed the decision; a three-judge panel of the First Circuit Court of Appeals ruled unanimously in favor of the school. Judge Sandra Lynch, writing for the court, rejected the plaintiff's argument that their religious beliefs were being singled out as well as their argument that their First Amendment right to free exercise of religion was violated, writing, "There is no evidence of systemic indoctrination. There is no allegation that [the second-grader] was asked to affirm gay marriage. Requiring a student to read a particular book is generally not coercive of free exercise rights." The court also ruled that the parents' substantive due process rights were not violated, as these rights did not legally give them the degree of control they sought over the curriculum.

This same ruling could apply to reading a life lesson from the Bible !!!!!


Here's a small % of shows with Homosexual Characters or Content without doing an in depth search ,let's see we have the one that started it all Will and Grace, then STAR TREK BEYOND, Guilt , The Interestings , Sequestered , Ballers,Transparent, Mr. Robot, One Mississippi, Aquarius , True Detective ,Bosch, Grace & Frankie ,Red Oaks, Zoo ,CSI- New Orleans ,Six Feet Under , Complications ,Entourage , Angels in America ,Community , Girls, The L Word, The Walking Dead , The Following, Empire , Backstrom , Chicago Fire , The Royals ,The Big Bang Theory, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Bored to Death , The Cleveland Show, King of the Hill, South park, The Simpsons, Glee, The 100,Black Sails, Madame Secretary , Gotham , Kingdom, How to get Away With Murder, The Modern Family, Dominion, Tyrant, The Night Shift, It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, Penny Dreadful, Nurse Jackie ,Star Crossed, The Fall , Peaky Blinders , Wentworth , Defiance, Hemlock Grove, Hannibal , The Bridge , Under The Dome ,Ray Donavan , Orphan Black, Banshee, Betrayal , House of Cards , Alpha House , Masters of Sex , Nashville, Da Vinci's Demons , Arrow, Sons of Anarchy ,Orange is the New Black, Sherlock ,Skins , Lip Service, How I met your Mother, Xena ,Prison Break , Homicide Life On The Streets , East Enders , Teen Wolf , Torchwood, Sex and the City , Bad Girls ,True Blood , Spartacus ,Game of Thrones , The Vampire Dairies , Shameless , Queer As Folk , The Wire ,The Office , Weeds ,Ripper Street , Schitt’s Creek , Eye Candy ,Transparent, The Flash ,Chasing Life ,Hit The Floor ,Dracula , Dates , The Originals ,A Place To Call Home , The Fosters , The Carrie Diaries , Undateable , and American Horror Story just to mention a few there are dozens more.

The HOMOsexualS are 2-5% of the population ,but 90% of the TV Shows have HOMOsexual content . Don't you think that's a bit disproportionate.

Bill O'Reilly #racist yahoo.com

During Michelle Obama’s speech on the opening night of the Democratic National Convention, the first lady offered a powerful, personal reminder of America’s dark racial history — and just how far the country has come.

“I wake up every morning in a house that was built by slaves,” she said. “And I watch my daughters — two beautiful, intelligent, black young women — playing with their dogs on the White House lawn.”

Fox News host and resident historian Bill O’Reilly decided to fact-check that line for viewers of his primetime show on Tuesday night.

“Michelle Obama referenced slaves building the White House in referring to the evolution of America in a positive way. It was a positive comment,” O’Reilly said. “Slaves did participate in the construction of the White House. Records show about 400 payments made to slave masters between 1795 and 1801. In addition, free blacks, whites, and immigrants also worked on the massive building. There were no illegal immigrants at that time. If you could make it here, you could stay here.”

He didn’t stop there.

“Slaves that worked there were well-fed and had decent lodgings provided by the government,” O’Reilly said, noting that the White House stopped hiring slave labor in 1802 but “did not forbid subcontractors” from using them.

“So Michelle Obama is essentially correct in citing slaves as builders of the White House,” O’Reilly concluded. “But there were others working as well.”

Trout #racist yahoo.com

It’s a fact that us Christians can’t be raciest or homophobic because, simply we are Christians which means we love all people and we don’t judge either.

With that said, none of us Christians care much for those who associate themselves with the LGBTQP community, nor do we like you sand people.

God makes it 100% clear in His Book that what the gay people and those other letter do to each other is wrong. It’s not natural for one to be attracted to the same sex and it’s gross when two men get turned on by each other and one ends up putting himself inside of another man. Sometimes when I can’t sleep I’ll just begin to wonder how it feels for the same sex to be inside of me and I just get sick to my stomach.

As for the sand people, they don’t even like us Christians our God or His Son, Jesus. In exchange we don’t like your God either so all of you can just move back to the sand countries. It’s time we kick your butts out, this goes for the brown people too. You all need to move back to Mexico.

Please vote Trump 2016 so we can take our country back and make it Great Again.

~Christian Voters of America

Malik #racist yahoo.com

Black American Women are the ones that need arranged marriage because they don't know what the "F" they doing when they put all their eggs in one basket with Thug Black Men. Black Women need to be in a system like that, and the Black Race will be so much improved with better children to our Race.

Kevin #conspiracy yahoo.com

NONSENSE !! It's as plain as the nose on barry's ugly face . He is a dedicated , committed Marxist , the SCOTUS is key in his mind as to how the next 50 years of jurist-prudence will unfold . NO self-respecting , sincere Conservative will allow that Marxist Muslim , our Kenyan Comrade to slip any nominee through the process . It is a simple matter of allowing the voting class to decide . It is helpful to remember that barry himself advocated the Republican mindset regarding SCOTUS appointments under GWBush's administration . Pot ,, meet the Black Progressive kettle !