Part 2
But when they spout off on subjects they knows nothing about - the love of G-D...
God loves you, unconditionally...unless you don't believe in him, are gay, believe in evolution, or don't worship him exactly right (which "exactly" it is, none of the denominations of Christianity can seem to agree on, mind you...) Then he's going to lovingly and tenderly boot your ass to hell to suffer. For eternity. No way to redeem yourself, no second chance. Hell, you could be the most wonderful, charitable person in the world, if you gon't believe, you burn. Meanwhile, murderers, rapists and tyrants who accept Jesus go to heaven. Yeah, that's a loving and just God.
...or encouraging people who need prayer (to treat their illnesses) to stop saying them...
No one's telling them to stop praying. It's when people decide that prayer INSTEAD of medicine that we get pissy. Like, say, deciding to pray over your daughter, as she slowly dies of pneumonia, or some such a thing. I have no problem with your faith...until it starts costing people their lives.
...then it's probably time for a reality check.
Indeed it is. Your persecution isn't anywhere near what you think it is.
Science isn't truth.
It's an evil scam.
Mmmkay, first, that evil scam made the computer you're typing on AND the internet you're using to type this shit for the world to read. Second, let's line up the people who have been healed by faith and those who have been saved by science. Wanna bet which line would be longer?