G2geek #fundie dailykos.com

Hmm. Just when we were getting ready to celebrate another step in the transition to non-carbon energy.

OK, so: a few things to know about that coal shipping terminal:

Nonviolent direct action is justified, as collective self-defense, in light of the true existential threat of climate change.

A five-pound sack of sugar dropped off a freeway overpass so it lands in the loading-hopper of a concrete truck, will cause its load of concrete to fail to harden after it’s poured.

A phone call to the media the day after the concrete is poured (find a pay phone and use it), will cause building inspectors to come looking for the failed concrete in the structure.

A few people around with cameras will make the presence of the building inspectors public news.

["Sabotage is not civil disobedience. Doing something that could cause a building to fail is an act of criminal sabotage. I will have no part of any such suggestion or discussion."]

If you knew the first thing about construction, then you would know (or have figured out) that when concrete fails to set, as soon as the forms are removed it slushes down into a puddle. That’s not going to cause a building to fail, so it’s not sabotage.

Get this: climate change = billions of casualties.

That’s hundreds of times the Holocaust.

Figure out the implications of that.

["I’ve work with concrete , not all concrete goes into removable forms . Some is poured atop other concrete and then has more concrete poured atop it . Bad concrete can be like a void inside a larger mass of good concrete . Something that looks fine from the outside can have a serious problem inside . If that flaw is not found and repaired —"]



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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