
Bethany Kozma #conspiracy #crackpot #forced-birth #pratt #wingnut dailykos.com

[From “Project 2025 Private Training Video: Left-Wing Code Words and Language”]


Language is used to control culture. I'll never forget a conversation I had with the Chief of Staff at USAID.

We were trying to provide alternative language for the highly controversial phrase 'comprehensive sexuality education' or CSE, which at the United Nations had come to mean not just typical sex education, but instead had been morphed into teaching and normalizing sex at very early ages, even as young as preschool. And for girls who became pregnant, that abortion was a preferable method of birth control.


[The Chief of Staff] suggested several alternatives. But each time I told him that, unfortunately, his recommended edit was also incorrect. He said he could not interpret it as CSE. Frustrated, he vented. They have literally co-opted the English language. And it was at that moment that I realized that the progressive left is controlling the language, redefining definitions, and by doing so, are ruling the world.


The left got very creative years ago and started using different words to make abortion sound a little less like murder. For example, sexual and reproductive health, reproductive rights, sexual and reproductive health services, reproductive health services, health services, sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, sexual and reproductive health and rights. All of these include abortion. For years, we knew that the terms above that I just mentioned had been used and that they were code for abortion.

The left and the career bureaucrats at State and USAID told us, oh, no, no, no. But then when I was negotiating with Canada for the G7 Development Ministerial, I said, well, can we just use these terms and add that does not include abortion? And their response was telling. They said, but it does include abortion.

Even with that admission, I had a difficult time convincing political appointees that these terms were co-opted.


Bethany Kozma #conspiracy #crackpot #pratt #racist #wingnut dailykos.com

[From “Project 2025 Private Training Video: Left-Wing Code Words and Language”]


The left has bought into the globalist vision of a borderless world and their language choices reflect that. The left loves to say that illegal aliens are 'undocumented'. Not only is that terminology not used anywhere in federal law, but it is clearly designed to soften the concept of illegality by making it seem like it's just a technicality.

In other words, if you are undocumented, it makes it sound like you can be here legally, but you're missing a few pieces of bureaucratic papers and paperwork.

That is simply not the case. If an alien has not gone through the appropriate process for obtaining a visa to enter the United States or otherwise followed United States law to enter the United States, they are illegally here. Period. Hard stop. Calling illegal aliens undocumented immigrants is the intellectual equivalent of calling someone who breaks into your house in the middle of the night an undocumented homeowner. It is inaccurate and it is designed to be inaccurate. The term migrants or migration are just as deceptive. The left likes to use migrants and migration not only because it sounds gentle, but it also creates confusion.

When people hear these terms, they know deep down that migration is seasonal and circular. They think of birds or butterflies. They fly south, they fly north, and so on. And historically, we have had foreign nationals come into the United States for seasonal or agricultural work and then return to their home countries. It would be reasonable and accurate to refer to those individuals as migrant workers because they ultimately return home.

But make no mistake, the current mass illegal immigration we are seeing as a result of the Biden administration's intentional actions is not migration. And these people are not migrants. It is an orchestrated invasion being led by the Biden administration in conjunction with the Mexican cartels.


Milton8 #moonbat #racist #sexist dailykos.com

[“So you are outright blaming Israel for the rape torture and murder of women and children by Hamas on Oct 7.”]

In a short answer...YES! Where these so called women when they were attacked? Were they in a Kibbutz? the short answer again is...YES! Well what is a Kibbutz? A Kibbutz is an illegal settlement by Jewish aliens from another country. That’s right these people are in Kibbutz’s are stealing Palestinian land and killing Palestinians in the west Bank like they have a license to kill! So do I blame the oppressed for fighting back? Do I blame the oppressed for hating their oppressors? the short answer is...NO!

motherLover #moonbat #racist #pratt dailykos.com

[Bolding added.]

Antisemites are everywhere and some will undoubtedly jump at a chance to act out violently, but everyone who acts out violently didn’t start out as a violent anti-Semite.

While you may not believe this, the people shouting gas the Jews may not actually be anti-Semites even though what they are saying is anti-Semitic and horribly callous, but they are being radicalized and becoming more dangerous.

dcsmit2 #fundie #conspiracy #racist dailykos.com

You are blaming the exection of Christ on the Romans, when in fact the Jews plotted to kill Christ and brought him before the Roman governor, Pilate. See Matthew 26: 3-5, which includes the passage “Jesus’ enemies, the chief priests and the elders, met in secret in the house of Caiaphas, the high priest, to make plans to kill Jesus.”

Also Pilate left the decision to execute Christ up to the Jewish mob, who were inspired by the Jewish Sanhendrin to condemn him. See, e.g. Mark 15: 1-15.

Please revise your post to report that it was the Jews and not the Romans who were responsible for Christ's crucifixion.

Clearly ALL present day Jews are not to blame for the crimes of the Apartheid Jewish state, but those with dual U.S. Israeli citizenship and those who send money back to Israel and those who lobby the U.S. congress in support of Israel share in the negative karma Israel incurs by its mistreatment of the Palestinians.

Jana Pinson #sexist #fundie #wingnut dailykos.com

(I am aware Daily Kos is not a fundie organization. It’s just the source of the information.)

A pregnant 13 year old doesn’t have to be a negative thing says Texas anti-abortion crusader

Crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs) are hubs of false advertising, anti-abortion organizations that try to trick people into thinking they’re clinics offering abortion or abortion referrals—when in reality, they offer drugstore pregnancy tests and pressure to continue the pregnancy. They’re about to get much, much more sophisticated in that mission.

One Corpus Christi CPC is planning a massive expansion to a 20,000-square-foot facility with a coffee shop, thrift store, and “a ‘man cave’ with a pool table, where men will be approached by a certified marriage counselor as they wait for the women they impregnated,” The Washington Post reports.

…”Post-Roe needs to have prenatal. We’re taking care of the whole woman.”…

…“I’ve seen a lot of 13-year-olds do phenomenal, absolutely phenomenal. It doesn’t have to be a negative thing.” Child rape leading to pregnancy doesn’t have to be negative, she says.…

Hajji Bilal #moonbat #psycho #racist dailykos.com

[Submitter’s note: Micah Xavier Johnson was the Black supremacist perpetrator of the July 2016 massacre of police officers in Dallas.]

The late US Army sniper/marksman Micah Xavier Johnson demonstrated the only way to EFFECTIVELY deal with white supremacist terrorists. He put five of ‘em in their graves. Begging Klansmen to stop murdering our folks would be like begging a rabid dog not to bite you.

Republican state Sen. Bob Hall of Texas #transphobia #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot dailykos.com

Thanks to SB 1029—filed by Republican state Sen. Bob Hall of Texas, who has a history of outrageous beliefs—there’s a considerable chance almost all forms of safe and age-appropriate gender-affirming health care will be made illegal in the state. And that includes trans adults. In fact, it not only covers both youth and adults but even nonsurgical treatments. The legislation also seeks to allow medical malpractice lawsuits for life against providers and insurers who cover gender-affirming care.

For emphasis: This anti-trans health care bill isn't seeking to only bar youth from safe, age-appropriate health care. It’s seeking to stop adults from accessing it, too.

The bill argues that these procedures are not in the “best interest of the health of the patient” but instead are being offered for the “monetary gain” of “health care facilities.”

The bill seeks to ban public funding for any and all gender modifications, including vasectomies, hysterectomies, and castration. It also seeks to limit puberty blockers and hormones used to “affirm the patient’s perception of the patient’s sex.” (Meaning: Such care would still be available for folks born intersex, for example.)

In terms of possible malpractice claims, the bill seeks to establish providers as liable, including for the patient’s medical, pharmaceutical, and mental health costs post-procedure. This bit isn’t the most eye-catching, admittedly, but it’s deeply concerning because of the possible fallout. It’s hard to find safe and affordable gender-affirming care as it is. If physicians are worried about such a wide-ranging and lifelong liability, it’s entirely possible folks will just ... stop offering it.

Newt Gingrich #ableist #elitist #wingnut dailykos.com

Submitter’s note: Daily Kos is just the source of the story, I’m aware they are not fundies. Newt Gingrich was being interviewed by NBC News Correspondent Scott Wong when he said this. Also, he has actually spoken quite a bit about J6.

“What do you think about the January 6 Committee?” Wong asked Gingrich on Thursday.

“I don’t,” said Gingrich, who was asked multiple times during a gaggle on Capitol Hill about the committee.

“You have no thoughts about the committee itself?” asked Wong.

“I think you have a learning disability,” said Gingrich, pointing a book at Wong.

“Excuse me,” said Wong.

“The fact is, I’ve said three or four times, I don’t talk about it,” said Gingrich, pointing at his own head.

“Try the phrase: I don’t talk about it,” he added.

Candace Owens #crackpot #quack #wingnut dailykos.com

The notoriously ignorant right-winger and anti-vaxxer Candance Owens went from denying the validity of vaccines to encouraging her 4.1 million followers on Instagram to follow her regimen of using colloidal silver as a daily supplement.

“Yes, colloidal silver!” Owens says enthusiastically in her latest Instagram video. “I take colloidal silver every single day, I love colloidal silver. That is a great one. That is another one that people probably know nothing about.”

And just in case you’re interested in staving off illness with colloidal silver, the Mayo Clinic clearly says the stuff isn’t safe or effective for anything basically. “Silver has no known purpose in the body. It's not an essential mineral.”

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center reports side effects of using colloidal silver that include: seizures, skin burns, near renal failure, hospitalization, neuropathy, acute myeloid leukemia, and death.

koNko #moonbat #pratt #racist dailykos.com

[Yes, and Xi is actively engaged in, among other things, genocide. So, murderous autocrats gonna murderously autocrat.]

Then you should post credible evidence of this. You might not realize these accusations have been denied and are based on a limited number of sources that have been largely discredited.

In fact, the recent International Tribunal held in the UK to independently review the charges did not make such findings, and rather, found that other countries making such accusations and enacting sanctions (including the USA) did not do so on the bias of evidence proscribed by International law.

This means the ICC, the UK Tribunal and the US Justice Department agree, the charges of genocide are not verifiable. It is worth noting the US Justice Department previously ruled that intelligence and evidence available did not constitute genocide.

You say Xi is guilty of muderous atrocities?

Really, that is a ridiculous charge you cannot back-up.

Since Daily Kos is a fact based site, I suggest you post a story on this topic and research the subject with due diligence, otherwise you are just making extraordinary claims without extraordinary evidence, and given courts and independent tribunals have not found this, you might find yourself had pressed to do so.

That failing, perhaps you can post a story on the Yellow Cake smuggled by Iraq that justified the Iraq War,where the US government went to war on false pretenses without actual evidence, that killed upwards of 500,000 Iraqis

Then perhaps you can present to us justification for actual genocides such as the carpet bombing of civilians in North Korea and even worse the bombing of Laos that killed 20% of the population and made it the most intensively bombed country in history — a well-planned campaign to eradicate people.

VillageBear #transphobia dailykos.com

I haven’t heard of everyone in that photo, but the ones I do know of—Maya Forstater and Kathleen Stock—are not loathsome at all but admirable.

Biological sex is real, and it is not “assigned” at birth (except perhaps in the case of rare intersex people) but determined at conception. That is not an opinion, a philosophy, or a “view” but a fact. How it is even controversial is beyond me. (And it isn’t promoting “literal genocide.”) The idea that someone should get fired from her job for saying so, or be threatened with murder and bullied by masked berserkers, to the point where she is driven from her academic post, is abhorrent. That’s what is loathsome. And those very bullies—the ones who attack attendees at an academic lecture (McGill University), shut down film showings (Edinburgh University and elsewhere), throw hysterics at the idea of a rapist being called by his actual birth name and remanded to the men’s prison where he should have been in the first place, argue that male athletes should be allowed to compete in women’s sports as long as they’ve tinkered with their hormones (in the real world, that’s called “cheating”)—those are the same people who claim “persecuted minority” status.


I have been reading Forstater and Stock. And “transphobe” is a pretty meaningless word. I have yet to see anything “phobic” or “hateful” in anything they’ve written. The phobia and hate from the trans activists who shut down lectures and film showings, insist that cheating in sports is a human right, bully and even physically assault people (usually women) they view as “transphobes” is all too obvious. The death and rape threats are coming from them.

guidecca2 #racist #conspiracy #moonbat dailykos.com

Moreover, what does a Democrat do when he comes to the realization that his party is corrupt and is controlled by the Jewish lobby? The 1400 people who died, did not die in vain. They are martyrs and they are the catalyst for peace, if there ever is peace in the Middle East. Our eyes are opened, our so-called liberal left leaders are not the enlightened people we thought they were. To wit, see the Jim Jordan (bastard) committee hearing on freedom of speech and the Hamas-Israel war. The Gaza supporters were escorted out of the hearing. The Israel supporters on the committee and on the panel steamrolled the discussion. Did anyone else see the hearing? The 11,000+ Palestinian civilians who were murdered by Israel died in vain.

[“If you weren’t so Putinized and full of propaganda I would be angry. Instead, I will just LMFAO.”]

"Putinized” is as good a word as any to cancel someone, if you want to believe in absolutes. There are no absolutes or few. There is only gray or something that resembles it. One absolute is 11,000+ dead civilians or some large number in Gaza, the “urban” place. If you can believe what you are saying and it makes you laugh, amazing. The angry birds will arrive and terminate my membership here most likely. Maybe you’ll win a vacation to the “Holy Land.”

le sequoit #dunning-kruger #moonbat dailykos.com

["I don’t see what is that hard to understand about my stance on this. My degree is in biomedical science. That doesn’t mean that I have all the answers; obviously, I don’t.
However, I don’t want someone who has either no degree, or potentially a degree in political science deciding such matters, with no scientific basis to back it."]

Funny how scientists, who once thought the world was flat and bile made us bilious, substitute “basis” for “belief” and expect this will establish them on the rational high ground.

ATurner #racist #sexist #moonbat #psycho dailykos.com

ATurner: So tired of "progressives" on this board assuming that Black folks inherently have criminal intent.

Throw The Bums Out: Guess what, if you get on the interstate using the off ramp despite the multiple reflective “wrong way” signs then you inherently have criminal intent. Regardless of race or any other factors.

ATurner: Where do you get that from? Are you a law professor? Whiteness confers expertise in a lot of fields, doesn't it?

CyberMindGrrl: Wrong. Nobody is ascribing criminal intent because he’s black, people are ascribing criminal intent because he SPECIFICALLY drove the wrong way down an off-ramp, drove the wrong way on the highway, and did everything he could to avoid the cars blocking the protesters, THEN drove straight into them. It doesn’t matter what the color of his skin is, if that doesn’t literally SCREAM “criminal intent” then I don’t know what does.

And FWIW I am a black person.

ATurner: The man is an immigrant of color and should be given the benefit of the doubt in terms of intent, given what white settler colonialism has done to the Third World. You have no idea what type of trauma he has been through.

Johnny Q: Somehow my sympathies are not with Mr. Vehicular Homicide in this instance.

Why do you make excuses for him?

ATurner: I'm not making excuses for anyone. If your white fragility is such that you are unwilling to confront the legacy of settler colonialism then that's on you.

Johnny Q: Are you seriously saying he did it because colonialism?

ATurner: Obviously I am not saying that, and your compulsion to belittle BIPOC viewpoints by making deliberate distortions is duly noted. I am saying that the generational psychic TRAUMA that is a by-product of settler colonialism might be an indirect cause of the driver having a PTSD episode that led to this unfortunate situation. But I guess that it's easier for some to fall back on racist stereotypes of the 'black savage' than to stay silent and listen to the perspectives of those of us who inhabit Black bodies.


Reporter100: This reminds me of my ex-husband who used to get drunk and beat me half unconscious. He thought it was OK, though because he was from El Salvador and was possibly tortured at the US-backed Junta.

ATurner: Please don't bring your dysfunctional personal life into this discussion. We are talking about the rush to automatically ascribe sinister motivations to Black men.

Reporter100: The suggestion that a traumatized immigrant of color can’t make intelligent choices is racist. I can recall hearing talks by Rigoberta Menchú, a Guatemalan Mayan whose family members were tortured and killed by the US-backed dictatorship. She was organizing for indigenous rights and a change in US foreign policy, not driving cars into demonstrators.

ATurner: You're calling ME a racist? That's rich coming from someone who basically wants to lynch a Black man without knowing all of the facts. Please refrain from projecting your personal issues with race onto me. Thank you and have a blessed day.

Hajji Bilal #transphobia dailykos.com

Nope, you’re right. “Gender dysphoria” is, by definition, a psychological disorder predicated on “general dissatisfaction with reality’’. In short, there is biological reality, and then there’s wishful thinking. To quote the great Dave Chappelle, “...to what extent do I have to participate in your self-image?” I consider that a fair question.

Max Trisolof #conspiracy #moonbat dailykos.com

This is standard practice, impersonating others. It’s little-known that the killing ascribed to Pol Pot was actually carried out by militarist infiltrators into the Khmer Rouge, or that Maduro’s supposed shooting of people bringing food to Venezuelans were by opposition-installed agents to discredit the president.

fitonkpo #moonbat #psycho dailykos.com

fitonkpo: Yes. Businesses always get theirs. One day, the revolution will happen, and every businessman will get theirs in the guillotine.

VClib: That seems to be painting with a very broad brush. In addition, you are skirting very close to site prohibitions on advocating violence.

fitonkpo: What broad brush? If a business employs people, it necessarily exploits them. And business can’t help but suppress the democratic process. Eventually, people are immiserated enough such that violent revolution is their only course of action. Hence, the guillotine. Advocacy is irrelevant. It’s a historical process.

Awww, did I hurt your capitalist feelings?

VClib: Really, every business owner? The local shoe repair shop, the best independent auto mechanic, the independent grocery store? The owners who treat their employees like family? Everyone of them, off with their heads?

hannah #moonbat #racist dailykos.com

The Cubans that left were snobbish elites who did not like the prospect of having to work.

Veblen did us a disservice when he identified the “leisure class.” Leisure is what the self directed and artistic engage in. It is the parasites and predators in the lazy class that wear us down. And they multiply like rabbits.

Trump National Doral Miami Resort #wingnut dailykos.com

Donald Trump, who regularly incites violence against the media—the “enemy of the people”—and his political foes, must be so proud:

A video depicting a macabre scene of a fake President Trump shooting, stabbing and brutally assaulting members of the news media and his political opponents was shown at a conference for his supporters at his Miami resort last week, according to footage obtained by The New York Times.

A couple of notable figures attending this fun-filled conference? Donald Trump Jr. and Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Both denied having seen the video, with Huckabee Sanders claiming that she was just there to lead a prayer and talk about “unity and bringing the country together.” Uh huh.

In the video, Trump is shown shooting down media critics in the “Church of Fake News,” not to mention assaulting the late Sen. John McCain, President Barack Obama, Maxine Waters, Bernie Sanders, and, of course, Hillary Clinton.

The clip ends with Mr. Trump putting a stake into the head of a person with a CNN logo for a face. Mr. Trump then stands on the altar, admiring his rampage, and smiles.

The Trump campaign and the organizers of the event both claim they had nothing to do with the video production of Donald Trump’s favorite wet dream.

Dmitry Kiselyov #wingnut dailykos.com

Russian media is suddenly explicit about what Russia is really doing in Ukraine. Citing Vasily Zenkovsky's writings from 1931, propagandist Dmitry Kiselyov laid it out: "Russia will never cede Ukraine to anyone... it has to be part of Russia, even against Ukraine's own will."

VillageBear #transphobia #pratt dailykos.com

[Italics original. Bolding added.]

Most religious people are not attacking science. And attacks on science and logic often come from non-religious grifters who make money off their ridiculous claims that aliens built the pyramids, etc. And I suspect there are quite a few atheists who believe that crap. And then there’s ridiculous, anti-scientific assertion that a child can be born in the wrong body...

VillageBear #transphobia dailykos.com

In the UK, there is in fact a lot of trouble with BOYS bothering girls in unisex school restrooms—sexual harassment, attempts to photograph girls attending to their business, and so forth. One young girl had to go to the hospital after a boy “donkey-kicked” the stall door, slamming it into her forehead. I can’t believe the profound naivete, sheer stupidity, and disregard for girls’ safety and privacy that fed into that policy. And there have also been incidents of trans-identified men assaulting women and girls in restrooms—one of the prisoners in that Scottish women’s prison where Adam Graham was sent is doing time for that very crime. The quote from Rep. Holt sounds perfectly sensible and not “weird” at all. (OMG, I’m agreeing with a Republican!”)

[“Then police the non-queer students who are abusing the system. If it isn't the trans kids then why should they suffer for the cis kids' abuse (a kind of double jeopardy)?”]

How do you “police” school restrooms? Hire more security guards?

If trans-identified men commit crimes at the same rate as men in general, why would we expect trans-identified boys to be any different from other boys when it comes to antisocial behavior?

And incidentally that word qu**r is still offensive to a lot of people, both gay and straight. And there’s no such thing as “cis.”

Nonlinear #moonbat #dunning-kruger #conspiracy dailykos.com

Peer review, as hundreds of studies have now shown means friend reviewed. Major journals get pranked all the time which junk science, some of which nobody spots until the authors out themselves. Women can’t get published in A-list journals because of misogyny. Nor can most minorities because of systemic racism. So “well peer reviewed” is just a code for “white Eurocentirc colonial male privileged science”.

You didn’t even address the problem with lack of replication which is getting worse and worse as fewer and fewer experiments are actually replicated. Nor did you talk about the literally more than 1,000 papers each year that are being retracted or the thousands more that are in serious doubt. And the p-hacking where among other tricks you just drop a few data points to “clear up” your data. That is everywhere. Then there are the huge number of well peer reviewed papers with statistical analysis that doesn’t have confidence intervals. Serious studies have shown that means half of those papers are wrong. But we don’t which half.

I could go on an on. My point being putting your faith blindly in science is still an act of faith. Exactly comparable to trusting centuries of biblical scholarship. And like religion it comes with all the same human flaws that contaminate all calls/claims of “truth”. But you can’t see that because it is difficult to see outside your own paradigm.

So if you acknowledge some facts in quantum mechanics aren’t facts how do we know which ones are and aren’t? Given these authors are arguing observation makes the fact.

VillageBear #transphobia #enbyphobia dailykos.com

The extreme activists’ use of language to demean women is a big stumbling block. There’s nothing hateful or phobic or even unreasonable in objecting to clunky and demeaning phraseology such as “people who menstruate,” “uterus-haver,” “vulva owner,” and “chestfeeding.” (As though women are just a collection of reproductive parts.) The NHS in England recently produced a poster promoting screening for cervical cancer without once using the word woman! And then there’s that Scottish asshole, going by the name Jess Bradley I believe, who wrote an op-ed for the Huffington Post claiming that there’s no such thing as a real woman.

Last month, trans activists (one of whose slogans is “no debate”) shut down a lecture at McGill University by a law professor specializing in human rights, screaming at the students who were trying to attend, pushing, shoving, threatening, knocking at least one woman down, until the lecture had to be cancelled—one of the activists claimed that simply attending that lecture constituted a hate crime. Similar behavior has cancelled showings of the documentary “Adult Human Female” at Edinburgh University and other venues. A conference on feminism in academe last weekend did carry on to the end, although some of the attendees were threatened, one had her phone stolen, and the screaming from outside the lecture hall went on and on. And then there were the protesters in Edinburgh holding signs advocating terrorism (“Decapitate all t**fs,” said one) while two female members of the Scottish Parliament smirked and grinned in front of them. That photo is easy to find on the internet. The two politicians said they weren’t aware the signs were there, even though it was a small demonstration.

Changing the words of Ruth Bader Ginsburg is, of course disrespectful to her. And it’s flat-out intellectual dishonesty—on a par with the historians and theatre people who insist that Joan of Arc was “non-binary” when that concept was invented about ten minutes ago. And we should refer to Joan as “they.” Queen Elizabeth I got the same treatment from the same bunch of lying incompetents (a powerful, intelligent head of state, you know, must not really have been a woman at all). I don’t know what Elizabeth herself would have to say about that, but I’ll bet it would be worth hearing.

Lt. Col. Jonathan C. Dowty #ableist #fundie dailykos.com

Excerpt from an article on DailyKos about this guy

The “Christian Fighter Pilot” is Air Force Lt. Col. Dowty, a former fighter pilot turned paper pusher after being rejected for a position as an instructor at the Air Force Academy. The organization that I work for, the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) has been aware of Lt. Col. Dowty and his blog for many years, mainly because MRFF and its president Mikey Weinstein are the favorite subject of Dowty’s so-called “ministry.” As of 2012, when I wrote the piece mentioned in the first paragraph, Dowty had written an astounding 432 posts tagged with either MRFF or Weinstein’s name. That was the number as of seven years ago, and Dowty has continued his diatribes against MRFF ever since, sometimes with multiple posts in the same week, bringing his tally of posts about MRFF to well over 1,000.

Dowty has a long track record of virulent homophobic, misogynistic, and Islamophobic posts, and also attacks Christians who aren’t the “right kind” of Christians in his mind. He also has no qualms about disrespecting superior officers, such as publicly accusing the first lesbian commandant of the Air Force Academy of being a liar, and cyber-stalking MRFF’s junior enlisted clients.

MRFF has attempted to get the Air Force to take some sort of action regarding Dowty and his very un-officer-like writings, even filing an Inspector General complaint, but to no avail. He continues to publish his vile screeds with impunity. In the thirteen years since he started his “ministry” blog, he has only had to remove one post — a post equating homosexuality to bestiality.

But, of all the reprehensible trash that has spewed forth from this fine “Christian” officer’s keyboard, his post yesterday, going after the pilot with ALS, is without doubt the most revolting. In this post, titled “How an Air Force Fighter Pilot Faces His Approaching Death. How Would You?,” after quoting from an Air Force article about the pilot, whose attitude would to most people be inspirational, Dowty wrote:

“Naturally, when we talk about someone’s death — especially that of a terminal illness — we speak of mortality, legacy, and perspective. Christians also speak of their faith. As appears evident from the interviews above, Christ is not a part of Holloway’s life. The only direct non-theistic detail publicly available was the fact their post-courthouse wedding ceremony was explicitly ‘non-religious.’ Otherwise, if you can communicate your deepest thoughts on your coming death and not once mention even spirituality, it’s probably a safe bet you’re not concerned with religion.

“Regrettably, that deepens the tragedy. To know that your soul will soon be required of you and to yet not be concerned of things eternal is distressing on an eternal level. Yet, there is still time.”

Just as egregiously insensitive was Dowty’s comment about the pilot’s callsign being “Twitch.” Dowty actually wrote of that:

“Left unsaid is whether the symptoms of the undiagnosed disease were the source of his callsign, ‘Twitch.’”

offgrid #dunning-kruger #moonbat dailykos.com

Seriously, since when does an education mean you’re bad? I know the republicans go there, especially those with Harvard degrees, but denigrating people for going to college is hardly a progressive platform. Or is it only when women do it?

In 1969, you’re damn right we couldn’t trust “elite educated people”. The “best and brightest” brought us the War on Vietnam and a poisoned world. They’ve had 50 years of rule and look where we are now.

They’ve had their turn. Time for change.

Wow. I guess it’s time to take a close look at high school dropouts for the best leaders. Maybe we can pass a law that says that no educated people can run for office. Make them work in the fields like Pol Pot did. That’ll show them.

I’d love to see a working-class person become President.

It would sure be a refreshing change from the string of lawyers who have messed so much up.

“Messed up?” You are one in a sea of over 150 million voters and by your or ANYONE’S standards, “so much” will always end up “messed up.” It’s called the process of developing public policy, otherwise called LAWS. And guess what, no matter who does it, it will always be a messy, extremely difficult process. And just because you might feel a kinship with someone that mows lawns for a living than someone with a law degree, that doesn’t equate to someone that should be elected to the most difficult job in the world. Change just for the SAKE of change is brainless and a sentiment that has given us the current white nationalist, crime family rule.

Now, if a “working class” person proved themselves with a successful career in government service, preferably elected office, they might make a fine presidential candidate.

Wilsonword #moonbat #pratt dailykos.com

An estimated 94 to 100 million souls lost their lives, killed by Communist regimes. The U.S.S.R. gets much focus but Communist genocides in Asia wiped out millions also. Economic and political systems are intertwined so deeply. It is too simplistic to say Communism did not really fail because it was never truly implemented as it was originally meant to be.

The two points you make are not logically connected.

a. milions died in those so called communism regimes.

b. its too simplistic to say communism did not really fail because it was never truly implemented.

You dont make any kind of connection between those two. How does A mean B is true? We could far more convincingly say the opposite: that A happened BECAUSE of B. Millions died because it was not real communism, since real communism does not have the violent coercion and murder of millions of people on the whim of one absolute ruler as an central aim or method.

ANY system that has ‘the violent coercion and murder of millions of people on the whim of one absolute ruler’ is not communism. It loses its right to call itself communism right away on just that one aspect. Since a key and unalterable aim of communism is “…the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all" - Communist Manifesto, Section 2 (Marx and Engels)

Yes, quite the opposite of what we are normally told, the basic aim of communism is: FREEDOM. So, Stalin and Mao etc were state dictators, not communists. Because they deliberately suppressed the freedom of their own people, directly against basic communist principles. It seems pretty clear…

(though, actually, we cant leave it just at that - there are various things that need be taken into account when we consider what actually happened in Russia and China then).

defluxion10 #wingnut dailykos.com

I've said The US Military has joined the Traitors and and here is all the proof needed, Period. When the modern US Military Officers face The Gallows Noose's an they will they will all say "but I was just obeying orders".


I've yet to see the Military Officers prove my comment wrong so far they do what Trump tells them to just like every other Dictator's military does, fact the joint chiefs walk in to McConnell's office shut the door and say "McConnell you have Trump out of office by this time next week, understood, good bye"and walk out shutting the door, McConnell goes to Nancy and says we have the votes to Impeach Trump lets say 72 hours from now it's done how's that sound, an don't ask why I'm doing this lets just say I saw handwriting on the wall and leave it at that, bye" so see no violence no military coup no drama as long as the ones behind close doors keep their mouths shut and it's all legal impeachment and President Pence does a happy dance tell he falls to The Law.

["Ummmm, what you are describing IS a coup. "]

incisor #moonbat #conspiracy dailykos.com

The reason for all of this is the US-arranged coup that resulted in a Ukrainian civil war, and the stated intention of Zelensky to join NATO.

Russia should have acted more forcefully after the coup, making it clear that risk of a NATO-Russia war was great and probable unless the US stopped its interference. Missile attacks on Ukrainian military facilities should have been undertaken, while its army was weak and disorganized.

During the Vietnam war, American planes mined Haiphong Harbor and killed Soviet sailor there. Goose-Gander algorithm applies here.

I’ll never understand why Putin spent so much time whining like a rejected schoolboy about US moves, which he should have known would be relentless if not stopped with force.

Placing a Russian military base in Venezuela would also have been productive, and remains a possibility.

DROzone #moonbat #racist dailykos.com

I own my own experiences and dictate what those experiences mean to me. Trump supporters have hurt me and people I love, so yes, I hold every single one of them responsible.

I am under no obligation to forgive them, forget what they did or welcome them back in my life. I get to decide on my terms if and when I do those things. You can lecture me all you want about how this makes me a terrible person, and I get to tell you how that makes me feel.

Just because you’ve been a victim once (was it by a Trump supporter, otherwise its not relevant, sorry), does not mean you have some authority on the subject anymore than I do.

Ok, I’m done. There’s nothing to ever stop you from just being bitter, unforgiving, and petulant. I’m not even religious, but I have nothing else. God bless, I hope you can find some sort of peace. Even after I was chased, beaten, pistol whipped, in Obama’s country. I found a way. I was also chased and beaten by black people ( two girls and three guys) my neighborhood is quite diverse, this happened in 2011. Should I assume Obama voters (you suggested Trump voters?) I voted Democratic in ever race but one (the one was state rep) since I was 18, just to cancel your next bogus argument. You’re just not worth arguing with! Have a good one!

Ahhh, I knew it. I was going to ask if the people who beat you up were black, but decided to not go there. So that explains why you’re so apologetic to racists.

It all makes sense now.

I have no words for you. To twist my reality to racism I never held. I hate all people. I’m a bartender. Lol. But I won’t pretend I wasn’t attacked and beaten by two black women and three black men. Should I pretend and say they were white to make you feel better?? Should they all be men and not women too? Because truth is the women ripped the shirt off my body trying to grab me and hold me back as I ran, and left bloody trails on my back doing so, and me in a tattered shirt. Is that offensive to be honest about??? Should I pretend it was the men who did that???

After I got on my apartment it was the two women who threw themselves against my door banging still threatening me as I cried and screamed I was calling 9-1–1!! The guys had laid off. Should I change that part of it? Or does that fit what you think is fair to be told?

Nonlinear #moonbat dailykos.com

I can`t speak for a Church or a congregation to which I do not belong and where I have never attended their Church and have only indirect reports. I assume because of the large number of memoirs of people who fled these Churches (well as I have said I think of them as cults) that your assertion is true of at least some fundamentalist Churches. That has absolutely nothing to do with my point that left wing Christians, animists, Jews, Hindis, main stream Muslims and other non fundamentalist religions could be key parts of the progressive movement if agnostics and atheists could get over the fear they feel when confronted by people of faith and refrain from calling them dimwits and morons. Especially when all these other not fundamentalist religions have, in America, on average much higher levels of educational attainment than atheists and agnostics.

Nonlinear #moonbat dailykos.com

Religion is an ideology, and deserves no free pass from scrutiny or criticism than any other ideology. None of us need coddle or cowtow to absurd assertions, including the faith-based fantasies and bigotries of Christianity, Islam, B'hai, Judaism, Santeria, voodoo, etc.

Or the faith-based fantasies and bigotries of science. Eugenics anyone? Misogyny in silicon valley? IQ testing designed to make sure African-Americans looked stupid?

Paula White #fundie dailykos.com

Paula White is wasting no time in her new job as the president’s official blasphemous mouthpiece in the White House (www.nytimes.com/...). Listen to this: player.freeconferencecallhd.com/…

She is calling as demonic and “the enemy” any who oppose President Trump. This is unbelievable, broadcast by and for the Dear Leader of our federal government.

Alongside fellow Christian leaders Cindy Jacobs, Dave Kabul and Dutch Sheets, White has launched the One Voice Prayer Movement, starting the initiative on Tuesday with a prayer for Trump. "Lord, we ask you to deliver our president from any snare, any setup of the enemy, according to Ephesians 6:12. Any persons [or] entities that are aligned against the president will be exposed and dealt with and overturned by the superior blood of Jesus," she said during her prayer in a conference call with other Christian leaders.


Add to the impeachment grounds: grossly abusing separation of church and state, and aiding and abetting violation of Hatch Act.

Ezekiel in Exile #moonbat #conspiracy dailykos.com

All those who worship at the altar of Big Science, please tell me: how do you deal with Big Science’s huge, embarrassing inability to duplicate “scientific” study results?

The world is full of known unknowns and unknown unknowns. Humans’ understanding of the universe and even how human beings construct reality within their minds is very, very limited. Meanwhile, buoyed by Enlightenment-bred hubris, we’ve managed to destroy hundreds of indigenous cultures and the wisdom they had amassed through the millennia. I’m skeptical of New Age types because so many New Age leaders are hustlers just like their counterparts in more traditional religions. But I’m also skeptical towards those who worship science as a solution to all our problems when science itself is beset with hired hands who “demonstrate” the truth of whatever their employers hire them to do.

Timothy Wilson #wingnut #conspiracy #psycho dailykos.com

Given the intensity of the conspiracy theories on the radical right that have arisen around the coronavirus pandemic—particularly the number of rightists claiming that government lockdown orders are an initial step in the imposition of a tyrannical order—it was only a matter of time before the U.S. experienced its first coronavirus-related act of domestic terrorism.

On Tuesday, a Missouri man named Timothy Wilson made preparations to set off a car bomb at a local hospital in suburban Belton, which was intended as a revolt against the stay-at-home order issued by Belton’s mayor, but his plan was cut short by an FBI raid. When he apparently resisted with a weapon, he ended up being shot and killed.

Wilson had been the subject of an ongoing domestic terrorism investigation since September, according to an FBI statement. “Wilson was actively planning to commit an act of domestic terrorism—a bombing—and over the course of several months had considered several targets,” it read.

A number of far-right extremists have claimed that the pandemic is secretly a cover for the imposition of a totalitarian “globalist” government. Wilson, who was a participant in neo-Nazi chat rooms, decided to enact a plan he had already concocted for creating a car bomb and use it on a hospital in Belton, the FBI said.

“Wilson considered various targets and ultimately settled on an area hospital in an attempt to harm many people, targeting a facility that is providing critical medical care in today’s environment,” the statement read. “Wilson had taken the necessary steps to acquire materials needed to build an explosive device.”

There was no actual bomb. Wilson had arrived at a residence in Belton with his own vehicle, believing the person there had constructed a device for him. It's unclear whether Wilson was shot by FBI agents as they moved in to arrest him, or whether he shot himself.

The FBI’s interest in Wilson apparently originated with his heavy involvement in some of the same neo-Nazi factions that have produced a string of arrests in recent months. Nick Martin at The Informant reports that Wilson “was an admirer of the 1980s terrorist group The Order and had ties to two active neo-Nazi organizations.”

One of Martin’s sources identified Wilson as the Telegram user “Werwolfe 84,” which enabled Martin and Elon University computer science professor Megan Squire to determine Wilson’s involvement in two public Telegram channels for neo-Nazi groups: one for the National Socialist Movement (NSM) and one for the violence-oriented Vorherrschaft Division (VSD).

jlynne #sexist #psycho dailykos.com

[Bolding added.]

It's settled federal law and has been for decades and denying abortion rights and safe access to anyone who chooses that is AGAINST THE FEDERAL LAW OF THE UNITED STATES. I say men should just shut up about this, since it doesn't involve their bodies, or let's make it a federal law that all males MUST take some form of male birth control to prevent unwanted or dangerous pregnancies. Period.

We could let them contribute to a sperm bank before they undergo their mandatory sterilization so that, if they mature into responsible adults, they can still Father a child by choice and with consent. :)

G2geek #racist dailykos.com

While we're at it, you can duck these questions too:

Why don't all the fabulously wealthy princes and emirs and the like, fund real economic development for Palestinians, but instead fund things like tunnels for taking hostages?

Since when do progressives make excuses for fabulously wealthy princes and emirs and the like?

As for easier targets, the presence of fellow Palestinians on buses never discouraged a suicide bomber from pulling the ripcord.

Though, I suppose "Jewish-only buses" would make easier targets for the kinds of rockets that Hamas et. al. were raining down on Jews over the summer. But first they'd have to learn to aim the damn things, which they seem surprisingly inept at doing.

["Why don't all the fabulously wealthy princes and emirs for the like fund real economic development for the impoverished people of Detroit?
Hint: It's for the exact same reason they don't do it for the Palestinians. IT'S NOT THEIR FUCKING COUNTRY.
The Palestinians live under Israeli rule, and they are therefore Israeli responsibility. Full stop.
Besides, the Palestinians in Gaza live under embargo. They literally have no economy to speak of."


["A lot of what you're writing here is irrelevant to the subject matter of the diary. What is relevant is the anti-Arab racism that you're espousing, and the excuses you're making for the latest exhibition of racist Israeli policies toward Palestinians. Initially I was debating whether or not to HR your original comment, but now I'm glad that I did."]
anti-Arab racism? compared to the rising tide of.. ... soft anti-Semitism?

There was a time when I could reply to anti-Christian bigotry by saying "substitute the word Jews for Christians in that comment and see how it sounds."

Now that doesn't even register, because anti-Semitism itself has been on the rise. Usually in the "soft" form of support for Palestinian terrorist groups as occurred over the summer when they were shooting thousands of rockets at Jews.

Get this: When the terrorist acts stop, the conversation starts. Between now and then, no rewards for terrorism.

And if you don't like it that 50% of Israelis support "Apartheid," then take a stand against the terrorist groups that use innocent Palestinians as pawns and human shields.

Guaranteed, the numbers in that poll will plummet when Israelis don't have to worry about rocket attacks, bus bombing, hostage-taking, suicide bombers in crowds, etc. etc. on a daily basis.

G2geek #racist dailykos.com

I’m with you for the same reason: demographics.

The entire basis of Israel’s existence is as a Jewish homeland, the last safe place on Earth for Jews. To my mind that comes first. Thus a two-state solution is the only way forward.

But then there’s also this:

Gulf Arab states cover an enormous amount of territory. Some of them could readily carve out a New Palestine and easily fund all of the construction needed to raise its cities and towns up from the desert.

Rather than fight over a tiny piece of land in an already tiny country, why not build something new and set an example?

It’s not as if the world isn’t already facing mass migrations due to other aspects of the planetary population/resource/ecology crises. A mass migration to a New Palestine could also set the example for handling the other anticipated mass migrations of the next two centuries.

Do i understand your proposal correctly? 1: one or more Gulf Arab states should 'carve out' some land in the desert. 2: they should build "cities and towns." 3: the millions of people from the land their families have lived for generations will move there? Is that about right?