Did you know that Jews stole the idea of the "chosen people" from the Babylonians (Aryans)? They also stole from them the secret of forbidding interracial marriages to keep one's race pure and strong. This is the key to their great cohesion, loyalty and power over others. In return, the Jews have imposed on other people religions like Christianity and Islam where any race can adhere simply by converting. All the old Aryan heritage has been banned and the horned God turned into a demon. Even sacred Aryan symbols like the Runes are being used against Aryans by the Masons and Illuminati. One example is the hagal Rune which is the inspiration for the star of David. Everything we know is a LIE. Wake UP!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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