Anonymous Coward #fundie
[Re. the Old Testament genocides]
1. For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God's glorious standard.
2. Obey the LORD your God and follow his commands and decrees that I give you today.
Those two things are mentioned in the bible. If God tells you to slaughter, to love, who are you to say what is proper? For all you know those people were not even human! Think of all the stuff Noah and his family endured with the angels mixing with humans and beasts, think of that! I believe that when God orders the slaying of people, children, that they are abominations! There is no greater truth than God, and if God commands you to do something; it's for your own good or the people's good. Disobeying God's words resulted in death entering the world and caused people to struggle. Imagine what obeying God does to the world? God destroys the wicked, it says right there in the bible. Just because a child looks like a child, doesn't mean it is! Think about during Noah's flood. I'm sure some children looked normal at first and later were disfigured and became more monster looking (Nephilim).