The Meme Policeman #fundie

In response to Occupy Democrats calling out the Republicans on purging voters, Meme Cop pulls out a bunch of trivial details below....

This meme from Occupy Democrats leaves out some context that would change many people’s view of this.
-The meme makes it seem like GA voters were purged for missing an election or two and have no idea. Here’s how their “use it or lose it” law actually works:
-The removal process begins if a person fails to vote, respond to a notice or make contact with election officials over a three-year period. Then, if they fail to vote or make contact with election officials in TWO MORE election cycles, they will be purged from the rolls.
-The process takes 7 YEARS, which means this affected voters who hadn’t voted or responded to notices since the 2010 election.
-8 other states have similar laws (Alaska, Montana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon and West Virginia). The purpose is to remove people from the rolls who have moved away from the state, as they generally won’t tell election officials, and these registrations could potentially be used fraudulently.
-This law was passed in the early 90’s under Democrat leadership. To be fair, it’s now being used by Republicans, which means they probably think it will benefit them somewhat, but it was Democrats who made the process possible. This fact was not even mentioned in The Hill article.
-In June of 2018, The Supreme Court ruled these laws didn’t violate Federal law. Thus, these actions are legal and not “stealing an election”. In fact, one could argue NOT purging the rolls as the law dictates would be illegal and a violation of election law.
-This wasn’t a report from The Hill, they just published a brief synopsis of an in-depth article from APM Reports. This report did not say “most of these voters have no idea they’ve been purged”. It said “many” might not realize it. The truth is no one knows if they realized it or not, or how many of them even still live in Georgia, or plan to vote.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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