Fabricio & the scorpion in your boot #racist amren.com
Re: "I Broke Up with Her Because She’s White"
You know, I'm not really upset in the least that he did it, leaving the white women alone. He's praising himself for being woke, and even shouting out Baldwin and Coates, but he's winding up doing what we get bashed for, which is, showing loyalty to his own tribe, going home to his own tribe. I also see he just turned 30, and that's about the age when people tend to give up on youthful fantasies and really start digging in to being adults.
Ha, nice daydreaming, but there's no chance in hell they'll simply turn to their own and just "leave whites alone" to continue to be white.
(the scorpion in your boot)
The easiest way to avoid this type of problem? Don’t date outside your race. If my kids brought home a non white, they’d be packing their bags and told “don’t come back, ever”. The ultimate disrespect to your race and family is to date non whites.
The third world alien did its job so now it's "retiring".... I'm convinced that non-whites only date white women in order to desecrate them.
That’s exactly what they do, they laugh and gloat about it among themselves. I’d say to those women that have defiled thensleves, we don’t want you back. What white man would want a woman that has allowed themselves to be so ruined?
That White chick should consider herself one lucky broad!!
She’s ruined. She is a fool and no decent white man would have her. She probably knows this and probably will lie to the next white man she tries to hook.
And the ones who asked me if I speak Mexican. Yes, that is absolutely a
thing. So is the father who opened the door and said, “Sorry, it’s not
taco night,” and then closed it in my face, only to open it again
because he was “just joking.”
These parents, who are likely liberal, let's be honest, were trying to make a self-deprecating joke, and yet the author still presents the story of their actions as if it was some traumatic episode of racism.If it is this darned easy to accidentally traumatize people of different races with dumb jokes, maybe we just shouldn't try to live among one another.
Exactly. I don’t even speak to them at all, unless I absolutely have to. Even then I am polite but distant. Not worth the potential problems for absolutely zero gain.