[Made in comment to a video pointing out that atheists are just regular people]
We Should show Christians that their religion shall not be tolerated. They should all be put in extermination camps and they shall die. And then they'll realize they have no soul and the bible is a bunch of crud.
Yeah, uh, let's table that for discussion at a later time. Much later. Like, infinitely later.
No one wants Christians dead, bro. We just want the more extreme ones to stop being such douchebags.
Yep, they will all realize that they have no soul after they are dead. Just like all the celebrities that realize that God is real shortly after their deaths.
And you don't fight intolerance with more intolerance, that just make a vicious cycle.
All that would do is feed their sense of martyrdom. And as long as they're going to church and not bothering anybody, let 'em be. They have to come to the realization that their religion is for naught on their own.
Oh, we'll still point, laugh, and make fun of the fundies for their stupid comments, but that doesn't really include your average religious person.
It's good every so often to have it confirmed that it doesn't take any particular lifestyle, code, or creed to say something stupid.
When browsing fstdt, it's really easy to forget that on the opposite end of the spectrum there's about as much ridiculous bullshit as on the other side.
Well, you see that we don´t discriminate anybody. Just a question man, if there is no soul and afterlife, when are we supposed to know that?.
Reads like a fundie troll trying to pretend to be the strawman, which he calls an atheist.
Either that, or it's a bit creative atheist troll, who has read way too much FSTDT, and tries to be the strawman, which fundies call an atheist.
Or maybe it's just a regular troll, trolling for the sake of trolling.
Anyhow, I just cannot see this being a genuine opinion. For one thing, it doesn't fit the video at all, unless the intention is to defame it, which would be fitting for a fundie troll.
I agree, this looks like a really pathetic attempt by some fundie troll to emulate what he thinks is an atheist position. But, troll or not, it deserves the award, if only because there's bound to be some anti-religion nut somewhere who really believes this.
~David D.G.
Stick it to the man! I mean why bother with silly things like logic and tolerance when you can be just as bad as your enemies, right? Fighting fire with fire, eh? Brilliant! Do you write strategies for Stormin' Norman and Fighting Franks? Or just Dubya?
I...I'm speechless. Surely he realizes that his irresponsible, thuggish comments aren't helping in any way, shape, or form?
Just, wow.
How can you read the rest of this site and not think this person is pretty much on track, at least in theory? Unfortunately, supression of any idea tends to cause it to flourish, but what if several million of the most religiously dognatic humans on earth were suddenly dead? That would be great for civilization, and great for the vast majority of humans who don't want to be shackled by idiotic readings of idiotic books written by people who have been dead for millenia.
1) Atheism isn't a religion. To prove: atheism is the idea that there is no greater power, which in turn goes against the fundemental defintion of religion.
2) Because placing atheists in extermination camps will clearly show the athiests that THEY are the ones that have no soul and that the bible their murderers read is clearly an object or rightousness!
I'm voting troll, but if it's for real...
Go die in a fire, Jtaylor1.
Hey, guys, this isn't an atheist site, this is a site for picking on fundamentalism, you're going to have to reap it.
@Lauren: I really don't think fundies actually slow down social progress much if at all, at least not nowadays. Pretty much all social progress (not just science and technology, but art and literature and philosophy etc.) is done by a tiny percentage of the population; what the majority believes only matters if they outlaw other beliefs, which isn't happening.
Wow, is this an actual fundy atheist? While I agree with him in theory (and in fantasy :P), in practice, this is rediculous. This will do nothing to help the situation. All the live ones will still be idiots. Education, that's the key. Just let them know what is real, and that their fantasy is keeping them in the dark ages, and hopefully they'll listen.
Sure, that'll teach them. It'll teach them that they might have a small basis for their ideas that atheists are hateful and murderous. There are better ways to go about it. Even if they don't listen, how many of us were fundy christians in our past? I know I was. So we ARE redeemable without bullshit like this. You get whatever you deserve, asswipe.
And I'd just like to give a big 'fuck you' to all you assholes saying "what's wrong with saying that?" and "I agree with him."
Please see Butch the Tattoo Artist so that he can ink the word 'hypocrite' on your forehead.
Although it is, in a way, sort of reassuring to see that idiots exist regardless of political or religious beliefs.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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