David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Most of what the heathen unsaved world calls “love” is really lust, fondness or self-gratification. Oftentimes “love” is nothing more than a smokescreen for one's desire to have their needs met. Love seeks to give, not take. Love seeks to forgive, not remember one's sins. It is impossible to truly love someone without God, for God is love. The world needs God today as much as ever!

The Beatles sang the hit song in 1967, “All You Need Is Love.” Unfortunately, what they misunderstood for “love” is sinful compromise, ecumenism and worldliness. This is not God's unconditional love. The sinful world is taught to accept one another as they are in total ungodliness, and no one dare criticize another's heathen religious beliefs or immorality. The world will tolerate anyone except a born-again Christian. Whereas the Word of God in John 14:6 plainly teaches that Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven, the heathen world teaches that there are many paths to the light.

The world exploits the truth, hiding their tolerance for wickedness behind the disguise of “love.” When a faithful Bible-believing preacher stands up in the pulpit and proclaims the Word of God, denouncing sin and exposing false prophets by name, wicked people accuse him of “lacking love.” The world adores and praises religious phonies like Joel Osteen and Rick Warren, cream puff preachers who never take a stand for anything godly. Pastor Osteen is a motivational speaker, sought by business people across the country to inspire young entrepreneurs and employees. No one preaches against sin anymore! No one warns sinners of the reality of a burning Hell, where all Christ-rejecters will spend eternity. Rick Warren has a net worth of $25,000,000 and Joel Osteen $40,000,000. Serving the Devil's New World Order pays off!



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