Wyld_Goose #fundie moonbattery.com

It’s amazes me the words you can and can not use in a freedom of speech representative republic we live in. I refuse to stop using the term faggot. It literally draws scorn looks and forum post deletes, yet not one person can explain why the the term should not be used. Homo = not acceptable, homosexual = acceptable, faggot = not acceptable, gay (a word of coarse that means something else entirely and was high-jacked) = acceptable. WHY?? In this one clear example of NEWSPEAK you have 4 examples of words that mean the same thing, yet we are to be programmed that some are to never to be used because———..? Oh that’s right we are not supposed to ask. Faggots are the Fox in Aesop’s Fable “The fox with no tail”, in that the only way the fox (or faggots) can overcome their own depravity is to attempt to deceive society into thinking that it is the society that is deprived for not accepting and joining the fox’s or the faggots’ depravity.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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