Ok, I got to thinking and I believe that it was morally wrong to abolish slavery. The South lost A lot of money. The blacks were set free to roam and commit crimes all over America. It's similar to releasing a dangerous virus. Can you think of all the innocent white people who have died because slavery came to an end and honestly tell me that it was the right thing to do? It's not like the blacks were living an awful life. They were provided with food, shelter and they were productive. Now most of them are homeless, with no food and unproductive eating fried chicken wings and greens..or whatever the hell those people eat. I know this is still a pretty hot issue and is still being debated, respectful and serious answers ONLY please.
As much as you fantasize out of getting out of the housework, white trash never had slaves.
And they have no food but they eat fried chicken wings and greens? Make up your damn mind!
What? You mean that some people lost some money?
Fuck, if only we knew that treating another human being with basic respect would cause us to lose little bits of paper, we would've prevented so many problems.
If the slave life was so nice, try it yourself. We'll organise a group to take you away at night (we won't tell you when, that would be cheating) and we'll treat you like a slave for as long as we deem worth it. And before you start to get upset or angry, just think, it's generating a lot of money for white people so it's OK.
Whaddya mean it's not a serious answer???
"This question has been deleted".
Well, there's your answer.
With all due respect, go crawl back under your rock.
"I know this is still a pretty hot issue and is still being debated"
Wow. What universe do you live in? I'm pretty sure that, even in most of the South, the idea that slavery is inherently wrong is pretty uncontroversial.
You may want to read up on what happened in areas where there were Confederate hospitals. Former patients roamed free robbing, stealing and raping. And those were whites.
And respectfully and seriously, you are a wipe of douche.
Just...boggle at this level of stupidity, abolishing slavery was "morally wrong" because some Southern States landowners lost money? Comparing human beings to a virus and calling them all bums and then requesting "respectful and serious" answers to your blather?
I respectfully and seriously suggest that you terminate your flawed existence immediately, forthwith and post haste! It's the most respectful and serious suggestion I can make after reading that.
Actually no, it's not a hot issue, and it's not still being debated. It is an issue that was settled decades ago, and is now only contested by morons. Since 'the South' had gained all that wealth unethically, I find myself unable to dredge up much sympathy for their loss; maybe if they had been paying fair wages for all that work to begin with it wouldn't have hit them so hard. Then again, you seem to think fair wages aren't really necessary. Maybe you should try doing without them for a while: don't worry, you'll be provided with minimal accomodations, and given something "productive" (read repetetive and laborious) to do. You won't have time to play around of Yahoo Answers, which will be a plus for the rest of the world, and you certainly won't be getting taken seriously or given respect, but that's hardle a serious loss, since no one in their right mind would respect you anyway.
Those subhuman chicken-eaters !
Also, I call Poe on this. The last sentence sounds unmistakably fake. A true racist, even one of the worst kind, wouldn't say it is "still a pretty hot issue and still being debated", but rather whine about the fact it is not anymore. And the "respectful and serious answers ONLY please" bit... please, people... obvious troll is obvious.
Now most of them are homeless, with no food and unproductive eating fried chicken wings and greens.
Either this person is really stupid, or they are a poe.
If it weren't for 300 years of slavery, those jigaboos would still be living in mud huts and showering in cow piss in chimpfrica. Lol. The white man did the niggers a favor. Maybe we should start bitching for reperations for bringing then here, letting them get rich and fat, and having to put up with their lazy smelly asses.
I think the rest of humanity need reparations for having to put up with your stupid ass.
Also, Timbuktu, Alexandria, Addis Ababa all qualify as "mud huts"? Clearly you're drinking some seriously potent bleach...
The funny thing is that slavery disappear in a totally natural way when the North and some colonies of Europe adopted industry and became filthy rich. In other words, slavery was a symbol of the technological analfabetism of the South, which would explain, too, their money loss.
OK, I got to thinking and I believe that it was morally wrong to abolish lobotomies. The psychiatric hospitals lost a lot of money. The crazies were set free by Ronald Reagan's budget cuts to roam and commit crimes all over America. It's similar to releasing a dangerous virus. Can you think of all the innocent sane people who have died because lobotomies came to an end and honestly tell me it was the right thing to do? It's not like the crazies were living an awful life. They were provided with food, shelter, and they were given a corner to drool in. Now most of them are homeless, with no food and blowing strangers in bus stations ... or whatever the hell those people do. I know this is still a pretty hot issue and is still being debated, respectful and serious answers ONLY please.
"Ok, I got to thinking..."
No, no you didn't. That might be your problem.
"It's not like the blacks were living an awful life."
No, of course not. They were just beaten, treated like subhumans, and had their children taken away. Not bad at all.
"respectful and serious answers ONLY please."
Hm. How does "go sodomize yourself with a rusty chainsaw" work for you?
"I believe that it was morally wrong to abolish slavery. The South lost A lot of money."
Well, at least he's up front about what his real problem is.
Okay, let's make you a slave.
No bitching when I whip you, OK?
Eh, this really isn't eye-burning. He seems to be trying to make a point that he thinks is correct without screaming out words like "niglet" or "aryan" or whatever.
His beliefs still suck, but this sounds more like a topic for a debate club (if a debate club from more than a half century ago) than a lunatic's insane, if humorous, rant.)
The former Confederate States of America was less prosperous after it was conquered because, prior to this, instead of investing in such things as machinery and other ancillaries of production that benefit both the owner and the community in which she resides, the elites invested in slave labour, which, in addition to being less efficient than hiring free workers, gave no benefit at all to the community as a whole.
When the United States of America, which by now occupied the Confederacy (I believe the first Confederate State to formally become one of the United States, Virginia, did so in late 1865), outlawed slaveholding on the basis that it served no useful purpose and greatly and inhumanely infringed on the slaves' rights to life and liberty, that 'wealth' evaporated.
Also, during Reconstruction, up until Cruikshank v United States (in which, against the clear intent* of the framers of the 14th Amendment, it was held not to apply to private individuals) heralded the era of Jim Crow misrule, blacks were far better off than they were as slaves.
* The Framers of the 14th Amendment, because they were not idiots, recognised that excluding private individuals was an extremely bad idea and an invitation to terrorist abuses (eg, lynchings, race riots). What went wrong was their underestimation of how willing the Supreme Court was to pervert the meaning to suit a racist agenda (cf, Dred Scott v Sandford, Plessy v Ferguson).
"Ok, I got to thinking and I believe that it was morally wrong to abolish slavery. "
You need to try thinking harder.
"Wow. What universe do you live in? I'm pretty sure that, even in most of the South, the idea that slavery is inherently wrong is pretty uncontroversial."
Er, are you sure about that?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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