Have you noticed lately in TV commercials, and on TV in general, that fathers are disappearing? Increasingly, we are seeing a mother and her children, but NO DAD. Observe and you'll see. I just saw a JIFF peanut butter commercial with a mom and her two sons eating at the kitchen table... but NO DAD.
Increasingly we are seeing shows about domestic violence; but you'll rarely see a movie about a lazy, selfish, irresponsible mother (and if you do they always make her look like a victim). Why the bias? Why the hypocrisy? Why the disappearance of fathers? In a word... FEMINISM!
Feminism is a godless monster that aims to demonize fathers, and portray careless and rebellious wives as victims. According to feminist thinking... it's all the husband's fault. Surely men can't be that evil ladies. Feminism is rebellion, plain and simple. Feminism has nothing to do with a woman's rights. This is the grand illusion that feminists have created. Feminism refuses to grant God His rights, or the husband. The Bible instructs wives to OBEY their own husband... “Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing” (Ephesians 5:24). Did you read that... “in every thing.”
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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