[Take a bunch of creationists, and put them in a rigorous science education program involving their doing actual experiments, both in the lab and in the field.
I don't know if it would ever have the popular appeal to take off, but I certainly would find it entertaining. What does everyone else here think?]
To make it exciting for TV, it needs some more drama, you know, some danger. So here's my idea: You get a rope and dangle some atheists over a pit of starving lions. You start slowing lowering them into the pit, and tell them you'll stop lowering as soon as they can explain how something can come from nothing.
True nothing is a state of high potential energy. If you have large amounts of energy you can create matter.
We have done experiments where matter has "been created" from energy due to the nature of the interchangability of energy and matter...
Uh, yeah, that's great. But the whole something-from-nothing is your deal. So why don't we just throw some christians like Pat Robertson, James Dobson and various televangelists to the lions. Don't give them a chance to explain jackshit. They need their last minutes on earth to pray to their non-existant god to save their worthless hides.
I'd suggest Fred Phelps, but old Fred's probably too gamey for the lions. They'd most likely just take a dump on his face.
How about we toss a few fundies into a lion pit, Freaky Freddy Phelps, Cured of Teh Gay Haggart, and maybe you, and have you explain how humans were made from clay and dirt.
Primordial mass doesn't seem so outlandish, does it?
...as soon as they can explain how something can come from nothing.
We could just as well do the same to you, Chesterfield. You see, falling back on a supernatural explanation is not an explanation of how . All it tells you is who . Creationists only know the name of the deity who allegedly brought Earth into existence. You have zero information on what processes and mechanisms Jehovah purportedly used to actually create .
Remember that, Chetterton...you only have a WHO , not a HOW . Watch your step with me, Chisterdun, or you may find yourself as a bundle of cinders floating around Spain.
So, essentially you plan to continue the mindset that the Roman Catholics, er, championed back in the Dark Ages. Yeah, there's some Christian Love(tm), right there!
@Sakura: That last line made me choke on my cola. ROFLMAO.
That's the difference, right there:
atheist: wants to educate their opponents.
creationist: wants to feed their opponents to poor lions that they have intentionally starved.
Is this really the impression of your religion Chesterton wants people to have?
You start slowing lowering them into the pit, and tell them you'll stop lowering as soon as they can explain how something can come from nothing.
OK, so suppose they say "God did it"? So what? That still leaves the next 14 billion years to explain. Does that prove that humans and daffodils don't share a common ancestor? And "God did it" doesn't even answer the question, since even fundies can't explain how God created something from nothing.
Fundies always confuse evolution with atheism - they think all they have to do is offer some "existence of God" argument and the ToE would collapse.
"You start slowing lowering them into the pit, and tell them you'll stop lowering as soon as they can explain how something can come from nothing."
Quantum physics does just that.
Imagine trying to teach anything to a classroom full of creationists, all sitting there with their arms folded, eyes squeezed shut, slowly shaking their heads back and forth, quietly mumbling "Lalalalalala".
Too many creationists...not enough lions.
Exposing creationists to real science apparently is a crime that is necessarily reciprocated by feeding atheists to lions if they do not successfully answer your unanswerable question that does not pertain to evolution. An interesting reflection of your views of the world, Chesterton. And you state all this without at all realizing the irony of feeding atheists to lions, given your own religion's history. Hilarious.
Cruel idiocy in its purest form.
Christians wanting to feed someone to lions... ah, the irony.
Also: so, you consider a proper scientific education to be on par with feeding people to lions? But my, how much that explains...
Hmmm-I have a better idea. Why don't we bring back the crucifix, and start nailing up psychotic christians until they turn into decent, honest human beings?
Nevermind. Didn't work last time, did it?
Burden of proof fallacy
To make it exciting for TV, it needs some more drama, you know, some danger. So here's my idea: You get a rope and dangle some Christians over a pit of starving lions. You start slowing lowering them into the pit, and tell them you'll stop lowering as soon as they can explain how something can come from nothing.
I have a better idea for TV.
Something along the lines of Big Brother (i never watched the show, but i got the premis)
Anyways, you put a bunch of Christians in a house with cameras, Speakers and such, only, you don't tell them they're on TV, tell them they're at Bible Camp or some bullshit. Then, when you got one alone in the room, you use the speaker system and tell them that you're God, and that they must do these tasks for you, as they are the "chosen one" but they're not allowed to tell the other "campers" that you spoke to them.
You do this to all of them
And make them do nasty, horrible, tasks, make them wonder why their God hates them so.
Maybe even have some form battle royale where they gotta fight to the death for their Lord.
It needs some work, but it's a start
Here's MY idea... You get a rope and dangle some christians over a pit of starving lions. You start lowering them into the pit, and tell them that you'll stop lowering as soon as they can explain how humans can come from dirt, and where god came from.
Now THATS what I call entertainment.
It would be cruel they'd be sitting in the corner foetal position saying "Its not real, its not real, its the devil!"
They can't not believe in creationsim, it was the way they were brought up, not everyone can change what they believe or disbelieve.
Reminds me of a theses two panels from a Jack Chick tract. This is what Jack thinks the future will be like for Christians.
Not exactly being dangled into a pit of lions, but the point is still there.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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