[Jesus is real because] The odds of Jesus Christ being the true Messiah and fullfilling the prophecies he did are equal to covering the entire state of Texas ankle-deep with quarters, marking one with an "X", blindfolding your friend and asking him to find it.
Jeff, MS: More to the point, it's highly unlikely that Jesus was the true messiah, but he was, so he must have been the true messiah! Circular argument from improbability.
ok, he's saying that the chance of jesus actually existing is the same as if you cover Texas ankle deep in quarters, mark 1 with an X, drop in some blind guy and have him grab a quarter and see if there's an X on it... and somehow he thinks this is proof that jesus actually existed.
I think
Allow me to translate:
[Jesus is real because] The odds of someone fulfilling at random the prophecies that Jesus did without being the true Messiah are equal to one in (the number of quarters it would take to cover the entire state of Texas ankle-deep).
For some reason, fundie probability fans never show their work.
Yeah, because it's not like he could have lied to people about his birth and childhood, and performed a few stunts to make him appear as a miracle working.
A more accurate comparison: Cover the entire state of Texas ankle-deep with quarters, mark one with X, blindfold him, ask him to find it, and then be amazed when he comes back with a quarter five minutes later, marked "X" with the sharpie he was hiding in his pocket.
Yeah, the odds sound just about right.
Oops, you've just proved beyond any reasonable doubt that your religion is bullshit. Now how does that make you feel?
This sounds about right to me, although I might have gone as far as to using the entire USA instead of just Texas for the probability comparison.
Well, it's good to see a fundie getting things right for a change.
Well, wait. Is my friend named either J.R. Ewing or J.D. Hogg?
Because believe you me, they'd find that quarter!
So Jesus can't be the true Messiah because I don't have enough money to flood Texas, and my friend can't see through blindfolds / live long enough to walk through all of Texas?
That's it. Jesus is not divine.
Good work, all!
The odds of anyone making sense out of your word salad are equal to injecting you with billions of nanobots, one of which is programmed to defeat a breathalizer, then you getting the breathalizer on the way home, and that very nanobot gets exhaled and goes to work in the innards of the breathalizer, and you not getting a ticket. Are you gonna risk that?
... and fullfilling the prophecies he did
Like the one where Luke has Jesus' family living in Nazareth, but then traveling for three or four days to Bethlehem so he can be a Nazarene but born in Bethlehem. Unfortunately, the prophecy says that he will be a Nazarite (a religious sect), not a native of Nazareth.
The Gospels were written after Jesus was dead. They assumed Jesus was the Messiah, then worked backwards through the prophecies (occasionally screwing up, as above) to fill in his biography.
"The odds of Jesus Christ being the true Messiah and fullfilling the prophecies he did are equal to covering the entire state of Texas ankle-deep with quarters, marking one with an "X", blindfolding your friend and asking him to find it."
First of all, just out of curiosity, how the fuck did you calculate that one?
Second, your Jesus didn't fulfill all the requirements of being the Messiah. Why the hell do you think the Jews are still Jews? You know, they're the ones that wrote the rules so you'd think they'd notice if somebody showed up and actually fulfilled all the requirements.
Allow me to translate:
[Jesus is real because] The odds of someone fulfilling at random the prophecies that Jesus did without being the true Messiah are equal to one in (the number of quarters it would take to cover the entire state of Texas ankle-deep).
For some reason, fundie probability fans never show their work.
The unwritten assumption, of course, being that all the weird and/or nonsensical shit attributed to Jesus definitely did happen.
Isn't this the exact same argument you people use to say evolution can't be true?
Evolution is not real because the odds of evolution are equal to covering the entire state of Texas ankle-deep with quarters, marking one with an "X", blindfolding your friend and asking him to find it.
I'm pretty sure I've heard that argument before.
OK, what he said was this.
The odds of Jesus doing what he did were so high that he could not have done it without being divine. Of course the fact is he takes for granted what he did was true in the first place.
We've already got a recession--now you want super-inflation due to overproduction of quarter dollars? Jesus, please rapture me to England. Kthnx.
EDIT: I hear Kent is nice.
Allegory for Jesus wrote:
"More accurate analogy: The odds of taking my rifle and shooting at the barn in the exact place where I immediately after drew a bullseye."
What you're describing is called a "Texas sharpshooter".
Appropriate, since this guy is talking about covering Texas with quarters.
"The odds of Jesus Christ being the true Messiah and fullfilling the prophecies he did”
You mean, the character in the second book fulfilling the prophecies written in the first book?
If it’s fiction, then the odds are about 1:1, right?
So if you’re trying to use odds to convince me Jesus is real, you’ve done the opposite.
Besides, how exactly would you calculate the odds of a miracle?
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