@ NeoMatrix and Mister Spak
"Or better yet stop for a minute and try thinking."
Yes let's see what happens when we try thinking.
"There's a couple thousand years of history that says rather definitively that Muslims as a whole aren't trying to exterminate us."
Islam has only existed for 1400 years. Muslims spent 500 years trying to exterminate european infidel culture. That only stopped about 150 years ago when infidel science was able to totally overpower anything muslims could do. At that point any attempt to exterminate europe just led to their own extermination.
"You don't share knowledge and discovery with someone you want an advantage over, you don't sell them resources they can use in their war machines, and you certainly don't support their attempts to form military and political alliances."
Of course you do. When the USSR had a famine in the 70s the US sold them wheat. In return the USSR sold palladium and tungsten to the US, both critical metals for the US economy.
" That's what Muslims have done:"
Um no. They allowed the infidels to drill for oil, then when there was a very profitable going concern they nationalized the operation and charged the infidels royalties to buy that oil. Because the infidels needed the oil, muslims had it but lacked the ability to extract it, and could make zillions off the infidels to buy things they otherwise couldn't afford. Like porn DVDs and Jack Daniels.
"They shared their then more advanced understanding of science and math with early Europeans, have done brisk trade even to this day,"
Um no. European traders bought books from muslims as individuals when europe realized they had not much to read because they burned all their books. But then the infidels invented the printing press and had too much to read while muslims banned it and continued to write books by hand with feathers.
"and backed the formation of both the United Nations and NATO. "
Because USSR communism did not tolerate the existence of islam any more than they tolerated christianity. And the Russian infidels had tanks, while muslims had camels.
"But if history isn't your favourite subject why don't we just do the math?"
Yeah let's do math.
"There are more than two billion Muslims in the world. About a third of the Earth's human population. Taken as a whole they absolutely eclipse the 400 million living in the U.S. and Britain's 63 million are barely a speck of dust. And that's without taking into account how many of those people are Muslim. If those two billion people were part of a concerted effort then the sheer 100 to 1 numbers advantage would guarantee that if they picked any one target they'd flatten them in a matter of days."
Um no. A year after 9-11 a Pakistani writer said, regarding the infidels supposed war on islam "if there really was a war on islam there would already be 100 million dead muslims.
You see that scientific and military advantage the west had over islam 150 year ago? It's even more massive now. If there was an all out attack on the 2 billion by the 400 million, Mecca would be a glass crater and half the 2 billion would be dead. The rest would be desperate refugees being mowed down as they tried to cross borders.
"Even those hopeless numbers are being optimistic as that's a comparison of population."
But the technology makes it even more hopeless. When europe and islam fought in 1400 using swords the numbers and technology were about even. Now the West has technology, and even worse the "let's invent a solution" mindset, plus an industrial base to supply the war effort. The west has cluster bombs, nerve gas shells, aircraft to drop them and GPS to guide them. Muslims have AK47s(even those were invented by infidels) and pickup trucks(also invented by infidels).
"When you consider only a tiny fraction of the population of Western countries serves in the military and are capable of open combat"
What about the ones capable of inventing and manufacturing aircraft cluster bombs and nerve gas? Armies need an industrial base to supply them. Victorian infidels were supplied by tons of gunpowder and steel equipment made in factories. They obliterated muslim armies. Now infidels have - well, look it up in Thomass register.
" Picture an entire anthill ganging up on a single spider."
Picture a spider with a minigun vs an anthill. Or one with a tank.
"We're no more unified today than we were in the Middle Ages, especially not with the modern political climate, so the most likely outcome is that whoever's left will turtle up and leave everyone else to their fates."
But the muslims are worse. Shiites vs sunnis vs wahabis in Iraq Syria Yemen Saudi Arabia Bahrain Pakistan etc.
" But instead terrorist attacks within Western countries are committed by individuals or groups of less than a dozen with plans that begin and end with doing violence in a public place. No real target in mind, no greater goal, nothing that could be called a victory if there is an endgame to break a country or destroy its people."
But they sure get the American fundies wetting their pant in fear.
"Now let's look at hardware. What do terrorists typically bring to a fight? They bring whatever they can scrounge together that's what. Home-made bombs slapped together from nails and pressure cookers, knives, cheap guns purchased locally"
While infidels have heavy bombers, nuclear powered subs, satellite guided bombs, backpack drones, night vision goggles - ever wonder why infidels have vast quantities of those things while muslims don't?
Because muslims are aggressively ignorant as a result they lack the science to invent them and the industrial base to make them.
" In the Middle East the Russian occupation left AK's everywhere like discarded beer cans, but the warlords who claimed them are more interested in using them to support their criminal empires than to war with the infidels."
So the muslims are disorganized like the infidels? Also might this behavior have something to do with a million refugees?
" There's one group I can think of that isn't restricted to whatever they can scavenge or MacGyver and that's the state sponsored Hamas. And what a difference that makes. With the budget of their home country to tap into Hamas can launch long-range rocket attacks across the border. "
Um no. They have to buy those rockets from infidels, they are unable to make them. Oil rich muslims pay for those rockets. They get the money from western infidels who need the oil for their industrial base. You should instead look at Pakistan. They have nuclear bombs and a supersonic interceptor they designed themselves.
"Which just underscores the question of why all terrorists aren't armed to the teeth with modern ordinance if all Muslims support the Jihad."
Because see reason above.
" Would you like to take a guess at the combined GDP of every Muslim majority country? Or just how many tanks, aircraft, infantry, and ballistic missiles they have between them already?"
See reasons above.
" If they're all waiting to wipe us out then why use Home Depot as an armory instead of bringing in the F-16's and Mirages to rain death from above? Why aren't tanks of every make rolling down the streets? Why aren't there missiles coming at us from every direction? "
See reasons above. Their culture is unable to generate the high tech economy needed to do those things.
"It's not fear of defeat or retaliation that keeps them from attacking because "martyrs" find their reward in death. Winning wasn't the objective and it is better to die in service of their God than to live in a world of sin ruled by the evil. Or at least that's what the zealot's are supposed to believe. So really, if all Muslims are psychopathic zealots born to kill themselves against an enemy they were bred to hate from birth what stops them?"
The answer is simple: The more practical psychopath dictators want to live so they prevent this all out war.
"The answer is simple: To think that Muslims as a whole are unified in any sort of goal, let alone a war effort against trade partners and allies, is willfully ignorant."
To think I said anything like that is willfully ignorant.
" To believe the driving force of their lives is a self-destructive mass of contradiction is worse than ignorant and maliciously stupid."
To believe it's not is ignorant and maliciously stupid. To return to my original post, where are a million refugees coming from? It's not from England. They come from muslim countries.
"Terrorists and warlords dedicate the majority of their resources to consolidating their own power in open conflict with the legitimate governments of the regions they plague. More Muslims die at the hands of IS offshoots than any so-called infidel ever will."
And somehow this isn't happening in England. Why?
" Islamic terrorism is politically motivated and dressed up in religious trappings to dissuade the easily influenced from thinking too hard about what they're being asked to do and why."
And islamic populations are easily influenced from thinking too hard about what they're being asked to do and why. Thus a million refugees.
" It's a ploy as old as warfare itself. The violence named groups claim responsibility for amounts to goading an existing malcontent into taking up their banner and pushing them over an edge they were already teetering on. And it has only one purpose: To make people say what you've been saying so that Muslims will have a unified enemy, which in turn is their attempt unify Muslims who they imagine will then join them as a matter of survival.
And you two bought it more readily than any superstitious yokel."
And you managed to prove my point and completely miss it at the same time like a teabagger yokel.