(Under the heading "Why Obama is likely the first Muslim President"...)
At the G20 summit in April 2009, Obama bowed deeply to Saudi King Abdullah, a Muslim who is also the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques. Never before in the history of the U.S. has a president displayed such shocking deference to a foreign official and Obama has not bowed to any other royal leaders. Obama later stated, "We have to change our behavior in showing the Muslim world greater respect." Obama's spin doctors and left-wing apologists dismissed the obviousness of the bow. One anonymous aide stated, "It wasn't a bow. He grasped his hand with two hands, and he's taller than King Abdullah."[47] However, in video of the incident, Obama's left hand can clearly be seen staying at his side until after he had finished his bow. Additionally, Obama also met with Queen Elizabeth, who is much shorter than King Abdullah, but he did not bow when he shook her hand and neither he nor the queen appeared to have any difficulty. (Many liberals and even a handful of conservatives have proposed that President Bush also bowed before King Abdullah. However, there is a vast, inexorable difference between bending down to receive a medal as Bush did and bowing in deference to a foreign leader as Obama did.)
First of all, how is Obama bowing worse than Bush holding hands for a stroll around his ranch?
Secondly, even if Obama bowed to the floor and licked King Abdullah's toes, that wouldn't make him a muslim.
Thirdly, even if Obama was a muslim, it wouldn't make any difference because this is a secular nation.
Bush, Reagan and Carter did exactly the same. Moreover, they held hands. Simple diplomacy, what does it make sort of different?
So, showing respect for a person of different religion means being one of them?. Man, I must be polytheistic, if I had to account for that.
Yeah, we get the picture. In order to be your sort of Conservative, you have to be an idiotic and repetitive loon. A moron who's not afraid of expressing his or her utter stupidity.
It helps if you are madly insane and express uneducated opinions as wildly as possible. It's taken for granted that the all the lying, deception (including self-deception), distortion and paranoia that you must indulge in appeals to certain a type of unthinking clod.
We know that you at Conservapedia are truly among the thickest spawn of humankind. You have neither the subtlety nor the gumption to present yourselves as intelligent beings. Instead, you insist on showing off how barking mad you are.
It's got to the point where as soon as one sees the word 'Conservapedia', one thinks, Oh! It's those gormless nincompoops again. Get ready for some ultra rabid stupid. So yes. Conservapedia is becoming renowned as the unthinking man's very poor comedy web site.
It's Conservapedia, one of the most retarded sites on the web.
Who the fuck cares what they say? No matter what it is, it's going to be stupid.
I defy anyone from finding anything intelligent on that site.
"At the G20 summit in April 2009, Obama bowed deeply to Saudi King Abdullah, a Muslim who is also the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques. Never before in the history of the U.S. has a president displayed such shocking deference to a foreign official and Obama has not bowed to any other royal leaders."
It's called cultural awareness. See, in some countries it's not only considered polite but required to bow in deference to heads of state/religion/etc. I'm sure Obama would also bow to Japan's PM or Emperor, as is required by custom.
I suggest all of you Conservapedia contributors cinch your tinfoil hats a bit tighter and slither back under your rocks you came from.
Ok, you got me. Obama is a Muslim.
Is this Obama you mentioned related to Barack Obama, the President of the United States, who happens to be a Christian?
Come one guys. The fucktards at conservaphilia know that Bush kissed the Saudi king, but they really could care less. Their demi-god is untouchable. Hell, Bush could've given King Abdullah a reach around and these tards wouldn't care. It's all about Obama and how he kills kittens with every single breath he takes.
Never before in the history of the U.S. has a president displayed such shocking deference to a foreign official
See, when Dubya held hands with Abdullah and kissed him on the mouth, that wasn't respect; they're just good friends.
*dual facepalm!*
Shit, Schalfly, you're ignorant, deluded, a liar, and you don't know what 'inexorable' means.
You know, it is possible to show respect for a person's customs without endorsing their views. It's called diplomacy
I realize this is hard for someone as narrow-minded for you to grasp, but it is possible to be nice to people who disagree with you. Such behavior leads to peace and greater understanding.
I remember a quote by someone you'll likely call a "liberal nut-case." It went something like, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the sons of God." I can't remember who said it, though...
Bush was all but on his knees kissing King Abdullah's arse. As you would, Schaftafly, if Bush dropped trou and turned around, clearly. As would every other Repubican, neocon & right-wing fundy, given the opportunity to show due deference to their God Emperor George Wanker Bush.
No wonder conservatism (the republican party, really more like ultra-conservative to the rest of the world) in America is dying with absolute morons, dimwits and assholes like this giving it a worse name than even it deserves.
you guys over there in good ol' country USA could learn a thing or two by having a muslim president.
Only then would they be all for keeping religion the fuck out of politics & separation of church and state.
1) Tell them there's rarely seen video of the President walking literally hand-in-hand with Saudi royalty.
2) Listen to outraged rant
3) Run Bush footage
4) Sit back and enjoy the back-pedaling.
Court protocol, a sign of respect (necessary for diplomacy!) not a show of submission.
Me personally, I think King Abdullah and his family are a bunch of dictatorial mafioso's of the worst sort, but I'm not the president of the US. And if I was I wouldn't be in the position to act on what I think or feel all, because its a grown up job. That requires you do stuff sometimes because you have to and its your responsibility.
Bush by comparison tended to fail these responsibilities in the worst manner.
What Conservapedia forgot is that people generally bow down to kings as a sign of respect, whether they're Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Rasta, Tengriist*, Pastafarian, Discordian etc.
*A Central Asian shamanist religion centering around the worship of the supreme god Tengri.
And Bush,not even bowed, HE KISSED HIM. So, he must be Osama´s buddy, not enemy.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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