Zealous Zeth (suecianus) #fundie christianforums.com

Mr Chick is a misinformed idiot who is going to hell...

His tracks about Catholicism reveals to me that he's a complete idiot when it comes to history. Chick tracts should be outlawed!

Can just imagine what will happen when he is the one going to hell. "Depart from me, you that work iniquity." (Matthew 7:23 Douay-Rheims) "Nooo Jesus!" I didn't know that I weren't allowed to get rich by fooling stupid Americans and spreading heresy! I didn't know that salvation is of works! I didn't know that the pope is you vicar on earth! I didn't know that you hated capitalism!" (sending him to hell) "NOO, please don't do that Jesus! Why didn't you tell me? This is so unfair! AAAAAAIIIIIIEEEEEE!!!"

I would like to have an inquisitor teaching him right and wrong! Sadly they didn't attack heretics, they only hunted false converts...



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