DylanMcGLP #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com
I came into contact with an alien when I was in Panama City Beach, Florida for a vacation (which I just got back from yesterday, actually). I have had very subtle signs/suspicions for a few weeks, such as a recent interest in space/science that I have never had before (beforehand I actually thought it was boring). I have also seen a cigar-shaped UFO fly over my house once (~3-4 years ago), plus one of my friends who lives a few streets away who never knew of my sighting beforehand has seen the same thing flying over multiple times within the last 2 years. On the way down, nothing happened, but on the 2nd to last day of my trip, I was going outside at night to get phone reception (the hotel I was in was concrete) and when I looked up at the night sky, I saw the same UFO, much farther in the sky this time, but ever since that moment I have had a connection with the pilot/driver of that craft (most likely telepathic in nature). On the drive back, I was about 1 minute from falling asleep, and I telepathically asked "Where?" (as in where is your alien species from), and that instant I fell asleep. When I was sleeping, I heard a muffled voice saying "2" then "0" then "6". It was said as a time; 2:06. But after that, I heard different words/phrases that have a connection to "1" or "single",etc. I put it together as "2061". When I awoke, I looked up 2061 on Google, and turns out the date "2061" is the next year that Halley's Comet will return since 1986. I'm guessing this is an "ETA", that the Halley's Comet is what the alien race I contacted will use as a means of transportation to our planet and will arrive at Earth peacefully in 2061.