G2geek #fundie dailykos.com

[Anonymous threatens to expose Ted Cruz's alleged prostitution activity if he doesn't leave the race]

["Cruz is a complete sleaze, but have we really reached the level of spreading this kind of completely unsubstantiated rumor?"]

Whatever works, as long as it’s not violent and not illegal, or at most only slightly and peacefully illegal such as a sit-in.

["So you seriously think it’s OK to spread complete lies about your opponents, as long as it works?"]

So you think your grandchildren are going to give a flying fuck about rectitude and righteousness when climate change crashes global agricultural productivity and the new national health crisis isn’t overweight but overt hunger?

Get real.

The longer we wait, the fewer the options available, and the uglier are the options that remain.

Thankfully we can still vote our way out of the dystopic hellscape that climate scientists tell us is a certainty if we don’t pull out of the current willful nosedive.

In another decade or at most two, that will not be possible.

So hell yeah!, whatever it takes.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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