I didn't see Saving Private Ryan
Then I'm fairly cetain that doesn't put you in any position to comment on the content of the film.
but I suspect that is liberal also
Now this might suprise the fuck out of you Andy, but not everything revolves around having a specific and pronounced liberal or conservative bias
The quotes and clips I saw from it had the trappings of liberalism
Not a dman thing in your "trappings of liberalism" list have anything whatsoever to do with liberalism. It it, literally, a bunch of shit you lifted from an Ann Coulter book that was bullshit then and is still bullshit now. You conflate liberalism with nihilism which is simply and out and out lie.
faithless with a kind of dumbed-down "that's all there is to life" approach. Woe is me and my brothers will be my salvation "At death there's nothing more" is the message, expect (if you're lucky) some spirit of brotherhood.
It's a war movie, not a treatsie on political or religious belief.
Tom Hanks is a liberal, big time.
So. Tom Hanks neither wrote nor directed either film, his personal political leanings are have nothing to do with the content of the films. Especially given the fact the Forrest Gump has been widely hailed as one of the "Greatest Conservative Movies of all time"
Seeing the world through the atheistic eyes of a "retard",
What will it take for you to realize that theism and atheism are not inherently political concepts. There are atheist conservatives and the vast majority of liberals are theists, and no amount of you covering your ears and pretending you didn't hear it will change that fact.
with sermonizing about civil rights, was a liberal distortion and fantasy
What movie did you watch? Forrest Gump is a scathing indictment of the 60's era liberal counterculture. By the way you harp on the issue it seems to me that the only reason you think it's a "liberal" film is that the main character is, as you so eloquently put it, a "retard".
I'm sure we all know people of low IQs, and they don't think and act like Forrest Gump
And that's supposed to mean what? That because the people you know with low IQ's don't think and act like Forrest Gump that therefore no person with a low IQ could ever think or act like that?
For starters, often they have strong religious faith.
Not all of them do, despite your claims to the contrary.
As I recall from the first half, Gump's perspective was without any genuine expression of faith.
Once again.... What makes you think it should have? Have you grown so arrogant that you feel that anything that doesn't pander directly to you must be part of, or possess some kind of "liberal bias"?
This may be asking a whole lot of you Andy, but don't you think that it's about time for you to grow the fuck up?