Feminists don't want to boss men around, or be in charge of everything, they simply want to be EQUAL in authority. Such ambitions for equality of authority with men is sinful.
Feminists wants EQUAL authority in the marriage, EQUAL authority in society, EQUAL authority in the church, et cetera ... it has become a curse upon America. The 52% divorce rate is a direct result of feminism. Feminism and women preachers are inseparable. Some people will argue that women can teach or preach to other women, but this idea is not found in the Bible. The Word of God clearly instructs wives to learn at home FROM THEIR HUSBAND. Unmarried women should ask their father, or their pastor. We need a revival of wifely submission and a proper attitude toward authority in our homes and churches.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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