"The only good thing with depressions or over-sensitiveness is that many of Christ's enemies are into it."
Wow. The same can be said for Batman's enemies! That's so weird!
"It is laughably easy to crush atheist American scum over the internet using only words, especially gay ones."
You're ugly, and your mother dresses you funny.
"It's a bit trickier here at home, since swedes are not that sensitive, most swedes do not care for insults and not too many are depressed."
Something tells me you refrain from pissing people off to their face, or you have not yet pissed off the right Swede. How brave of you.
"Also, Jessica, you little modernist heretic: There is no reason at all to be "respectful" to atheist scum. They are not "respectful" themselves, nor does the Church demand that such p.c. "respectfulness" should be shown towards these filthy self-proclaimed apes."
Keep talking like that and I'll throw poo at you. Respect is earned; it is not the Entitlement that church elders and other egomaniacs seem to think it is. Now go back and read that part of your doctrine that says, "Love thy neighbor, you uncouth, mean-spirited, hypocrite.
"The internet is not some kind of politically correct tea party!"
Damn straight. Sauce for the goose and all that rot. Pip pip!
"And being "hurtful" (please don't use these politically correct lol-words, I can't take you seriously) is only a good thing when fighting atheists."
Please don't write in incomplete, grammatically incorrect sentences; I can't take you seriously. Oh, and on behalf of Jessica, go fuck yourself. Do unto others, etc. asshole.
"This man is evidently a true crusader, and you ought to respect him."
If he were a true Crusader, he would be rotting in the ground for the past 6 plus centuries. Nice fantasy world you guys live in. Have you met the World of Warcraft crowd?
In closing, eat shit and die. Nobody will miss you.