Anonymous Coward #conspiracy
My civilizational planetary theory...
1. The asteriod belt is the remains of the human species "home planet" which was destroyed in a devastating war and or catastrophe.
2. Earths wobble, orbit and it's moon are some of the many artifacts of this planetary calamity.
3. Earth and Mars were habitable during the epoch of the Homeworld but not as nice or large as ts he one that was destroyed creating the vast asteroid field.
4. Later, Mars was also devastated by a great war making it uninbabitable, but humans had not advanced to the point that they had previously to be able to literally blow the planet apart.
5. The war on Mars also created impacts on earth which caused extinctions and mega earth changes.
6. Humans now foolishly attempt to harness the powers that their superiors failed to control or contain.
7. Earth civilization will fail as did the Mars and Homeworld civilizations in a less spectacular manner.
8. Our galactic neighbors will be glad to be rid of us.