As a result, women are filing for divorcing in America at least TWICE the rate of men, buying into the lying feminist propaganda that husbands who give orders are guilty of "domestic abuse." Search online under "domestic abuse" and you'll find that a husband who tracks his wife's time and whereabouts is considered "abusive." That's a lie of the Devil. A husband has every God-given right to exercise authority over his wife, and to DEMAND that she do as he says. I dare say 1-out-of-1,000 wives today are truly submissive in the Biblical sense. Is it any wonder that American women have murdered nearly 50,000,000 of their babies by abortion? Not at all, most of America's women have become selfish and godless. Women have become intolerant of the husband's authority in a marriage, and of God's authority concerning life itself, i.e., thou shall not kill.
God forbid women not be cattle, you disgusting piece of shit.
For people who speak of God's love oh-so-often I don't think they can even comprehend what it is to care for another person.
"A husband has every God-given right to exercise authority over his wife, and to DEMAND that she do as he says."
go crawl back under whatever boulder you came from. the 21 century doesn't want you., you do not have every God-given right to demand your wife to do what you say. Women today are not submissive in the Biblical sense because they can finally see themselves as human beings with equal rights to men, and most men do not oppose that (unlike you, apparently).
First, prove that your god exists.
Second, prove that he wrote your book of fairy tales.
Then maybe we can consider what to do about his rules.
Personally, I think you're full of shit and so is your mighty Bible.
"I dare say 1-out-of-1,000 wives today are truly submissive in the Biblical sense."
And thank god `so to speak´ for that. Still those numbers are a bit too large for my taste.
No, women have become intolerant of nasty, abusive, misogynistic animals who think that their gender makes them gods.
What if a woman did all of the abovementioned to her husband? You'd call her "clingy," and "possessive," and you'd call her husband "henpecked" for putting up with it. Double standards much, hypocrite?
"you'll find that a husband who tracks his wife's time and whereabouts is considered "abusive." That's a lie of the Devil."
No, I think you probably made that up.
Though it is creepy and fairly unethical and grounds for divorce, it is not abuse at all.
God, what a cunt this guy is. I wish there was a God, just so I could see Stewart's face when he finds out what God thinks of his name being used to justify the position that a wife should be a maid and prostitute you don't have to pay.
Don't worry David
According to this article
(which I'm amazed you don't quote considering the rest of the bullshit on your site) women don't have souls. So you can spend all eternity, just you and Jesus and a bunch of men hanging around with perfect bodies.
Actually heaven sounds kind of gay to me.
I suppose you may have all sorts of 'God-given rights' to be an intolerable parasite on society, depending on which particular god you're talking about. In America, and pretty much anywhere else though there will be some variation, you have to be concerned with the rights that the government says you have, since they actually have the ability to to enforce laws and your God is, sadly, the most impotent dictator in history.
Wow, that article is priceless, especially this bit:
"A teary eyed Sister Taffy Crockett said through choked sobs, 'I've heard of colored women not having souls... but me? NO! This is outrageous!'"
I revoke her right to stand up and be counted. (Taffy Crockett? Seriously?)
Okay, here's the deal. You get to spend the rest of your life with someone who considers you to be nothing more than property, or a sex toy. If you fail to satisfy him, he has all rights to mete out the appropriate punishment. Should you decide to run, you are damned to hell. Sound fair?
I'm a woman...the kind of woman that makes men like you crap their drawers. You give me orders, you demand anything of me, I suddenly become deaf; you politely ask me for something, I might comply...if it suits me. You track my time and whereabouts and I'll break your watches and puncture your tyres...and that is before I read you the riot act. You try to boss me around and you'll be spitting out teeth; treat me with respect behave like an equal partner and you'll get a cooperative, easy-to-live partner who looks to your needs as ardently as she looks to her own.
You have no right to exercise authority over anyone except, perhaps your children, and that you share equally with their mother...unless the judge has concurred with your wife that your antediluvian mindset is dangerous to their emotional and ethical well-being.
I have every right you have...every single one ...that you have, and I protect and defend them against weak, whiney little wannabe men like you who think the only way they can be strong is associate with people who are weak and they can dominate.
You think you are a man, you sorry sack of shit? C'mon over to my place and play that shit with me. I'll hand you your head in one hand and your ass in the other.
God kills a little under one half of all fetuses via miscarriage.
What does that say about his political views regarding the unborn, given that there are absolutely no biblical passages that have anything to do with abortion?
Practical God: I'll trust you realize that Landover is a parody of scorpionfish like Stewart, yes?
Considering that Stewart has no qualms about men being submissive to God, I suppose that, barring the sexual strands, men are God's "wives"? (And considering what LaHaye & Co. see in store for not just unsubmissive-to-God women, but similar men...)
I had a girlfriend who insisted I was basically an asshole for feeling that she wasn't my servant who was to fullfill my needs, be it a beer from the fridge, or sex on demand. Thanks to dipshits like this who she had grown up around, I couldn't get her to not feel guilty about not being my subservient ( as it was her job as a woman to be barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen) and it, unfortunately, played a huge role in the relationship ending. A perfectly wonderful person was completely ruined by dumbass sexist garbage like this that strips women of rights as human beings and most upsetting, their self esteem. Thanks Assholes.
Just to clarify for those who don't know, Landover Baptist is parody website. You can download Pastor Deacon Fred's 60 second sermons from iTunes. They even perform at atheist conventions. The hell of it is, I don't think many fundies can tell the difference until they see the ads for the "What Would Jesus Do?" thongs.
@ cyborgtroy:
Actually, a spouse tracking their spouse's every move is stalking, and it is not only an aid to other abusive behavior such as physical abuse, but it is a form of abuse in and of itself.
It's funny, because more men than women are in favour of abortion. Maybe they aborted their babies because the father of the baby told them so and they fullfiled their Biblical duty. By the way, can you count?. Women fill for divorce 60% of the cases, that is SLIGHTLY MORE than men. Not twice. And what if your wife tracked your steps and asked you to be submissive?. Don't use the Bible. If it were so evident, you wouldn't need.
Sweet Violet :
I'm a woman myself. And may I just say,
[font=20]You go, girlfriend![/font]
A husband has every God-given right (though not always reason) not to trust his wife, and she has every God-given right to get fed up and go marry someone who does.
It's a beautiful thing, America. Everyone gets as much rope as they need.
@Sweet Violet
*standing ovation*
If I ever get married and my husband, you know, stalks me around and is, you know, abusive, I'm divorcing his ass; it doesn't matter a hair what the Invisible Cosmic Muffin says.
Uh, marriage was never even my idea, so don't go pinning any misogynistic shit on me.
Just go screw each other and leave me the hell out of it, kay?
@ Sweet Violet:
Marry me!
What I love about this quote is that it makes the fairly reasonable assertion that your spouse ought to know what you're up to and then descends into total idiocy. (Wait, was he talking about "tracking your wifes time" as in "So, whatcha been up to lately" or "I have a tracking device implanted on you." Because if it was the second then it wasn't reasonable at all.)
"A husband has every God-given right to exercise authority over his wife, and to DEMAND that she do as he says."
That is one of the funniest lines I have read recently. Thanks for the laugh!
David is living proof of reincarnation. No one could possibly get to be so stupid in just one lifetime. The surly and ever so homely David J. Stewart has a thing for blondes. I noticed on his ever so dumb@$$ website that he makes blondes as the, "angel" and the "feminazi" as the brunette. Don't believe me? Look for yourself. He is very racist towards women. Believes they shouldn't think? Ever see the movie, "The Stepford Wives"? That is what David wants US women to become. ROBOTS! David is the typical idiotic UGLY PIG HEADED MAN! David, you used to be arrogant and obnoxious. Now I see that you are just the opposite - you are obnoxious and arrogant. Nice to know! And David, you should SHUT THE H*LL UP! I used to think that David was just a big pain in the neck. Now I have a much lower opinion of him.
David J. Stewart says, " I am NOT a misogynist or a chauvinists pig as I've been called at times by feminist women. Rather, I am a man that loves the Word of God and my Savior Jesus Christ. It's time for women to repent in America! The Word of God unalterably declares that the husband is the head of the marriage. If you don't like it, get mad at God because He said it, "For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body" (Ephesians 5:23). A godly woman will honor and obey this Biblical command. Yes, a husband is to love his wife as Christ loved the church, but the wife is NOT exempt from her obligations just because the husband does not live up to his. I pray that you will not remain, or become, the silly woman of 2nd Timothy 3:6."
"Yes, a husband is to love his wife as Christ loved the church, but the wife is NOT exempt from her obligations just because the husband does not live up to his."
I guess Dave hates the L.O.V.E part of the Bible-SCREW YOU!
David quotes from his ohh so lovely website,
"Women SELFISHLY want to walk out on their husbands, and quit, because it's an inconvenience to them. I frequently receive letters from women who blame their husband for everything, angry at me over my articles on divorce. They blabber... "He did this... he did that... etc." One woman said, "He even call me a bit**." Awe... you poor baby! I don't get it. Women are throwing their marriages away over any EXCUSE they can find these days. The truth is that they are sinfully PROUD and STUBBORN! Feminism is not about rights--it's about rebellion against a husband's authority--a refusal to SUBMIT to the man of the house. Divorce is a wife's sinful Declaration of Independence from the authority of her husband."
Yes, David divorce is a sin according to the Bible actually...a lot and I mean a lot of things are sins according to the Bible... so what's the surprise buddy????
@Arielle - hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
David quotes "They blabber... "He did this... he did that... etc." One woman said, "He even call me a bit**." Awe... you poor baby! I don't get it. Women are throwing their marriages away over any EXCUSE they can find these days. The truth is that they are sinfully PROUD and STUBBORN!"
*David had to have a divorce and his poor and smart wife must have left him. I am assuming he is very upset. Well David I have a mere four words to say to you* -
~~~~"Awe you poor baby"~~~~~
Have fun explaining why you ABUSE women to God (especially to the MOTHER and yes, there IS One!). Yes, treating women like they're property IS abuse and tantamount to slavery which God does NOT advocate! Jesus wants men and women to be EQUAL! Yes, women are being treated like human beings and with RESPECT! If you don't like it STFU, build yourself a female robot and stop bitching!
I can just see what happens to this guy when he dies:
Jesus: Alright, next. Hmm alright, let's see, ok...domestic...demand to know...oh right sec. MOM! You want to handle this one?
A husband does not have any law-given right to stalk his wife, "exercise authority over his wife", make her follow his orders,
It takes two to tango, ya know; those fetuses are not just the women's. There was a man involved somewhere too. But, quite a few men flee when their girlfriend says the word Pregnant. With authority comes responsibility; the more authority, the more responsibility.
If women have become selfish and godless, they are just emulating the men, demanding the same right to flee (sort of) when stuck with an unwanted pregnancy.
God has long been intolerant of God's authority concerning life itself, i.e., thou shalt not kill, stupid. He does it again and again and again in the Bible, and he DEMANDS that his followers kill people (and their animals) who are in the way.
So you're saying that women should just shut up and let their selfish, insecure, abusive husbands abuse (and even kill) them? Well, guess what, Davey Boy? FUCK YOU!!! Women get a divorce from their husbands because I'm sure that they must've had enough of their selfish husbands abusing them and treating them like shit! Women are not "selfish" nor "sinfully proud" just because they divorce an idiot; they're just brave enough to leave their abusive pigs of husbands and protect themselves and their kids! As for feminism, well, feminism may be controversial, but there's nothing evil about feminism and feminism is NOT about making women act more like men and shit; it's just all about working to end misogyny and sexism once and for all and also about making sure that women get the same equal rights as everyone else! Oh, and how dare you laugh at women's faces for being abused by those cunt-assclowns for husbands! I'll see you in Hell and I hope you're brave enough to move to Afghanistan if you really want to live somewhere where women (and even little girls) are considered nothing!
A husband has every God-given right to exercise authority over his wife, and to DEMAND that she do as he says
...your ex's lawyer found that on the internet, used that as the basis of their case and sat back, knowing that there was no way that your lawyer could counter that. Money in the bank for them, and more importantly: their client.
And that's why, to this day, just pay the fucking alimony & child support already, David J. Pedo.
Is it any wonder that American women have murdered nearly 50,000,000 of their babies by abortion?
And we need those bodies in the army, dammit! Before all the brown people come to get us.
I'm not worried about brown people. I'm worried about the orange one.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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