Obama avoids church on Christmas. "Obama has not attended a public church service since before the Nov. 4 election." Good thing he's a Christian as he claimed, right???
Going to church does not make you Christian. not goign to church does not make you not a Christian.
In fact, if I remember my Bible correctly, going to church is actually a very un-christian thing to do. You, know, considering all Jesus said about the chruches and praying and worshiping in private and all.
What's your point? The President of the US is not the spiritual leader of the country. It doesn't matter what faith he is (or isn't).
Don't believe me? Read Article 6 of the US Constitution:
"...no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."
Who the f*ck cares? He's your President, you're paying him to do a job in the executive branch of the government, and everything else shouldn't concern you.
I couldn't care less if Gordon Brown goes to church, dances around naked in Stonehenge or does imaginative stuff involving beetroots and overexcited llamas in his spare time , as long as he's doing the job I'm paying him to do.
What is it about people that makes them think they own everyone who's in a public capacity?
And when the man and his family *do* pick a church, y'all intend to hammer him because it's too "racially charged" (iow, "black"), or too liberal, or too some damned thing!
It's crowded enough at Christmas services without the President-elect, a bunch of Secret Service agents and the crowd that's just showing up because the President-elect will be there making trouble. Plus those crowds'd just make it more difficult for the Secret Service to do its job.
Yeah, I think everyone'd just be happier if he kept his Christmas celebrations as small family affairs.
Since when is being a Christian/Muslim (of member of any church) a requirement for candidacy for the office of President of the USA?
Satan himself/herself could be president it he/she met the other requirements. Religion doesn't enter into it.
Presidents a little busy. Doing presedenture things. Gotta presidise over the country.
Me had my own personal angelvitical priest, kept talking about backrubs and some guy named meth
And if the president of Ford didn't go to church on Christmas we should stop buying Fords? Who the hell cares? We hired him to do a job, not to go to church. He visited a Marine base. He didn't go to church out of respect for others, because his presence would have disrupted services.
It's funny, that most professing christians don't attend church except at christmas and easter. And what happens when christmas is on a sunday? That's right, folks, they close the churches. Pretty soon, when easter falls on a sundy, they'll start closing churches. /sarcasm
GWB went to church twice in eight years. But hey, he was a white guy, so he can get away with it, right?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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