Redbyrd #transphobia

I am a member of a Facebook group called "Actual Gender Critical Left." Your article was posted in reply to another member who posted the Jamie Reed article. I want to note that your statement, "Trans-exclusionary radical feminists often call themselves 'liberal' or 'progressive' but are anything but," is false.

Though I don't consider myself a "TERF" (which has become a slur along the lines of "b**tch" or "c**t), I do question many aspects of gender-affirming care, especially for young teens and teens. I am 61 years old, a woman (not trans), a mother of three now-adult children. I have been a progressive my entire life. I have never voted for a Republican, only Democrats, and have never supported a conservative issue. I voted for Elizabeth Warren in the primaries of the last election. Most of the gender critical women I know, or just the women questioning and concerned, are like me. Most don't speak out often because they don't want to be pilloried or have people associate them with the right-wing. They also don't want to align with the right's attacks on trans people.

It is simply not true that only Republicans or conservatives are questioning gender ideology and gender-affirming care.

If you didn't get this much right, I question how much else you got right in this response to Jamie Reed's article. I also wonder why you are attacking her as just "a desk job worker" instead of a medical professional. It's often people without power, lower in status, who are the whistleblowers in situations like this one.

I don't know anything about your background, but I'm curious to know if you have medical training? Does someone need to be a doctor or therapist to have a legitimate perspective on this issue? Because if you don't have that education yourself, then your criticism of Reed for not having that background doesn't make sense to me.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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