Sell your Hawaiian Steel Guitar and give the money to charity then, DJS. [/Matthew 19:21]
...oh, and what does God need with prayer, Jerky...?! [/Capt. James T. Kirk]
Incidentally, with his recent infections - and his past admission that he uses the [I]Queen[/I] James Bible: authorised by a British monarch who was as gay as they come - we've now narrowed down his specific denomination (just one of the over 30,000 out there): Hyper-Calvinism.
Exactly like that of the Westboro Baptist Church.
As you know, o good FSTDTers, Jerky has stated that DJS isn't a 'Real Christian', despite his refusal to prove that David J. Stewart isn't the owner of 'jesus-is-lord-com.': a site Jerko relies on. [/1 Thessalonians 5:21 QJV] Yet we know different.
So kinda destroyed your own argument there; using the site of a not-'Real Christian'? Only those not of the 'Elect' would be that hypocritical, and are going to Hell.
DJS would say you're going to Hell. Prove him wrong. Now. Let the Fundie Fight begin.
The rest of the 30,000 denominations of Christianity would say that you're not a 'Real Christian', therefore you're going to Hell. Prove them wrong. Now. Let the Fundie Fight begin II.
The aforementioned Westboro Baptist Church. Exactly like you: Homophobic. Misogynist. Bigoted. Hyper-Calvinist like you.
The only ones who are the 'Elect' - as far as they're concerned - are them: and only them.
They'd say that you're going to Hell. Prove them wrong. Now. Let the Fundie Fight begin III and you've struck out, Jerkoid.
Right-wing Fundamentalist Christains. So many denominations.
They can't all be right, therefore they're all...: