[From an episode of "Road Wars"; a scene from North Carolina, after a man - with his pickup truck - had totalled two police cars in the station's car park. After he'd been wrested from the vehicle, handcuffed & subdued onto the ground by officers, when asked why he'd done this, his reply?:]
'People just do the strangest things, when they believe that they're entitled. But they do even stranger things when they just plain believe.'
-Agent Keenan (John Goodman), "Red State"
[An unemployed truck driver seething over liberalism told police he opened fire in a church last year because it harbored gays and multiracial families and he hoped others would follow his example.]
"They just glory (in) these weirdos and sickos and homos"
[He also railed against the Unitarian Church:] "That ain't a church, that's a damned cult,"
[Adkisson walked into the church, pulled a sawed-off shotgun from a guitar case and fired into a congregation of about 230 people watching a children's musical performance.]
"I'd like to encourage other like-minded people to do what I've done. If life ain't worth living anymore don't just kill yourself. Do something for your country before you go. Go kill liberals."
[Catherine Murray, who was friends with the couple, told police Adkisson had drug and alcohol problems and] "basically was afraid of anybody or anything that was not like him."
And yet, the NRA & their gun-fucking bumchums are opposed to more stringent background checks on anyone wanting to own a gun...?
I suggest - certainly on the basis of the above - that said registration form, before one is allowed to buy a gun - should consist of just a one part questionnaire:
'Do you want to own a gun? (check one):
[ ] Y
[ ] N
If you checked '[X] Y', you are not entitled to own a gun.'
Because of the fact that the NRA are opposed to pre-purchase background checks, the desire to own a gun should bar you for life from ever owning one.
You want loonies to have the right to shoot kids, then you are the problem, NRA, not the solution.
No school/place of worship (Shinto/Buddhist temple) shootings in Japan. They have even more hyper-draconian gun laws than we in the UK have, post-Dunblane. I notice you weren't exactly protesting about - immediately post-WWII - the US military's policy on confiscating Katanas from people (centuries-old family heirlooms, no less), as part of the de-militarisation of that country (and they considered Katanas to be symbols of nationalism there); 'The right to keep and bear arms'...?!
The 2nd Amendment. Considering Japan (also Iraq, post-Saddam's elimination; all those AK-47s in circulation. One word: Insurgents), it's right to exist is invalid. Are you personally lobbying for the return to it's rightful owner(s), and thus country as a whole, the legendary Honjo Masamune? And if not, why not? Nope, no hypocrisy on your part, NRA. [/hyper-sarcasm]