the bible says that noah took every type of animal not species...he did not take every species of dog...just 2 dogs, he did not take every species of horse, just 2 horses etc....still thats alot of animals right? the ark was huge...if u were to build it it would be like really really really big. as for evolution...the big bang can be proven wrong using 4th graders a high school football team and a merry-go-round. sad eh? there are no flaws in the bible what was written by many men over thousands of years but yet there is not one contradiction. theres is not a more perfect collage of books in the universe.
as for you kuuenbu...go study
That's a truly impressive collection of gaffes.
1) If he didn't take every species, then you are essentially arguing that evolution took place at a super-fast rate after the flood in order to give us the present species - a rate that, given our best understanding of mutation rates, is all but impossible (and that's ignoring the problems with the flood itself).
2) Even "really really really big" is probably not big enough when you're talking pachyderms, polar bears, penguins, platypi, lions, tigers, wolves, sheep, etc. plus food for 40 days. (And besides, the biblical size is large, but it's not enormous - we've got larger ships today easily, and I'm not convinced even those could manage two of every animal.)
3) Exactly how do you propose to disprove the Big Bang with "4th graders a high school football team and a merry-go-round"?
4) The only thing sad here is your utter lack of intelligence.
5) No flaws, eh? I'd count some of the more barbaric OT laws as flaws, but even if you don't count those there are blatant contradictions.
6) The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxu. I rest my case.
7) You ought to do some studying yourself, though if this post is any indication it won't do you any good.
"the big bang can be proven wrong using 4th graders a high school football team and a merry-go-round."
Please tell me how. Also, evolution and the big bang are separate theories.
the bible says that noah took every type of animal not species...he did not take every species of dog...just 2 dogs, he did not take every species of horse, just 2 horses etc...
There are no "species" of dogs. There are "races". Look up the definition of a species.
still thats alot of animals right? the ark was huge...if u were to build it it would be like really really really big....the big bang can be proven wrong using 4th graders a high school football team and a merry-go-round. sad eh?
You take the size of the Ark as a given, but you doubt the Big Bang theory...
Funny how all fundies think it's so easy to disprove scientific theories, but no one seems to actually do the math.
there are no flaws in the bible what was written by many men over thousands of years but yet there is not one contradiction.
theres is not a more perfect collage of books in the universe.
I would argue that the Silmarillion is just as perfect.
That one's finished. Next.
And a merry-go-rund xD
No coments....
Just no comments XD
If this retard had even the wit to scratch his deluded arse; he'd
realise that if he thought really really hard about this; Noah would
have needed a fleet of arks just to house the fucking
insects. Never mind his assumption that every animal on the planet
was obviously just a short walk from Noah's back garden. It's also abundantly
clear that as is usual for a fundie, he has little or no formal education,
else he'd know there's only one "species" of domestc dog. Canis canis;
a man made sub species of the wolf.
If you think you can get all the types of animal of the world on a single ship the size of the Love Boat then ur like really really really stupid.
Also citation needed for the 4th grader, football team, merry go round proof.
Again with the 'he took types on, not species'. 'Type' has no definition in science. Hell, in this context, there IS NO coherent definition because whenever scientists MEET that definition, you just fucking change it again! ARGH!!
The lack of intelligence and literacy indicated in that post makes me doubt he could prove that a jam sandwich is made with jam.
"Really really really" big is many "reallys" short of how big the ark would have needed to be, the contradictions in the bible start from the beginning in Genesis (which contradicts itself) and the big bang has jackshit to do with evolution. I am however curious to know how he'd plan to disprove the big bang using 4th graders etc.
On second thoughts, I'd rather not know.
Canis lupus familiaris (dog) hasn't even speciated away from Canis lupus (wolf) completely, stupid. There are no species of dog, nor of horses for that matter, they are all Equus.
The ark would have to have been larger than the US of A, to fit all "kinds" of animals, idiot.
The contradictions in the Bible start in the second chapter of the first book, stupid! Haven't you even been able to read that far?
Evolution and the Big Bang are about as related as yeast fungi and c minor.
There are many flaws in your grammar and spelling...
"the bible says that noah took every type of animal not species...he did not take every species of dog...just 2 dogs, he did not take every species of horse, just 2 horses etc...."
So you don't believe in evolution, but a super evolution that took 4000 years or so.
Uh huh. That makes so much more sense.
1) If he didn't take every species, you are accepting evolution as true.
2) The big bang has nothing to do with evolution.
3) I'd still like to see you "prove" the big bang false though, it should be worth a laugh (and no, "uncaused cause" won't work because you have to make an exception for your god).
4) There are dozens of contradictions in the Bible. You've had two thousand years of vigorous apologetics to try and explain them away but there are still loads of them. There are entire websites dedicated to referencing them.
"it was written by many men over thousands of years but yet there is not one contradiction. theres is not a more perfect collage of books in the universe."
Give me strength. Another one who can't be bothered to read the bible in it's entirety. In genesis, the first book of the Bible, their are two contradictory creation stories, and it goes downhill from thereon.
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