First of all:
Barack !!HUSSEIN!! Obama
Oh my God, man, you are hilarious. Reminds me of that "Adolf Elizabeth Hitler" thing in The Producers! XD But instead of being a humorous middle name made up just for shits and giggles like THAT was, Hussein is a real middle name that the President just so happens to have, and you idiots jump onto that like it's a bad thing.
Actually, I think you're just a really bad Poe. But in case you're not, I'll humor the rest of your little steaming pile:
Please, spare me the amateur crap video that some bored homebody stitched together in Windows Movie Maker. Obama's real name is just what his Wikipedia page AND HIS BIRTH CERTIFICATE says: Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. (Oh noez, it's that middle name again!) And the birth certificate's real. Get over it!
Where the hell did that "Barry" shit come from? Was "Barack" too Muslim for ya?! Meanwhile he only used his stepfather's surname Soetoro in grade school in Indonesia - at ten years old! He stopped using it as soon as he went back to the U.S. And don't start your crap about the Columbia University I.D. with Barry Soetoro on it - that's totally fake, too. Snopes proved it and Politifact proved it - or are those sites just too "lib'ruhl" for ya?
On the specific timestamp mentioned, it shows video footage of JFK being executed. if you look closesly, the DRIVER of JFK's vehicle looked back, and shot him. It's in PLAIN SIGHT! trust me, it's true! I mean, how could someone deny such truth??????????
Okay, really? There are videos of that shit EVERYWHERE on YouTube. I've seen that video, too, and I can say with 100% certainty that no one in the front ever turned around and shot JFK. The only gunshot I saw was the one that hit JFK square in the head - from a totally different angle somewhere outside the camera's view, no less!
Seriously, you just blatantly LIED about something that's so easily checkable. Holy shit, how stupid do you think we are?!
Also, the Illuminati are going to establish martial law in 2017 temporarily so they can rewrite the constitution, chip us with RFID, and use the Guillotine to execute anyone who doesn't comply.
So much LAWL. Also, if and WHEN we get to 2017 with nothing like this happening, you owe me $100 fucking dollars. Hey, you deserve it for being so damn stupid.
And even if something like that did happen, why the Guillotine when they have so much better technology to kill us quickly and cleanly with? Just for shits and giggles?! Come on, man!
In the meantime, chemtrails (Persistent contrails are disinfo) will continue to pison us. Silver iodine is actually toxic too! They claim it's for cloud seeding, but notice it's called cloud SEEDING! The bible says not to touch another man's SEED! So do you know what rain is? SEMEN!!
O_O >_< O_O
Also, Mexicans are allowing ISIS in the west coast, Canada, and the East coast for that when Martial Law is instituted, anyone who escapes will be shot on sight.
How the hell does Mexico have ANY control over who can move into Canada or our country?! Explain that to me! Oh wait - THEY DON'T, you nimrod!
That's why Republicans hate Mexicans in the United States so much: It would make the Mexicans TRAPPED! The democrats want to make sure that the Mexicans get trapped in there too, because they're racist.
Okay, huh? Just...huh?! That made no frickin' sense at all! Also, DEMOCRATS RACIST?? WOW, pot meet kettle!
Thank you for giving us the most hilarious, conspiratarded rant ever! I shall print this and frame it on my wall!