David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com
I have been involved since 1994 in a campaign to expose a Satanic cult which has members in hundreds of countries across the world. I have discovered over these 7 years that this cult can be traced back to the USA where it was spawned in the 1970s. In the early 1970s, the CIA were involved in mind control research on human guinea pigs, this research program was called MK-ULTRA. Congress directed the CIA in 1973 to cease it's program but instead the CIA carried on it's mind control program, using "religious Cults" as fronts and covers for their research and practice.
The CIA recruited Jim Jones (his father was a Ku Klux Klan member), the head of the Indianapolis Church, The Peoples Temple Gospel Church. The CIA involvement with Jim Jones culminated in the so-called "suicides" in Guyana in 1978 of 911 members of The People Temple!
In March of 1997, Heaven's Gate cult leader, Marshal Applewhite (1931-1997) led his followers to commit mass religious suicide in order to reach an alleged passing alien UFO. They mixed poison with applesauce. They commit suicide in shifts, not all at once. It was calm and calculated. They took the poison and then put bags over their heads to suffocate themselves. Police arrived and smelled the rotting bodies. They were all dressed alike, wearing a patch on their arms that said Heaven's Gate. Some of the men had been castrated, surgically, to eliminate sexual urges. It's hard to imagine how a large group can be influenced to such a insane point. It shows the power of influence that we have as humans upon one another. Mob mentality is dangerous, or good, depending on the leader.
This is why the American newsmedia is so deadly. The Bush administration got caught orchestrating the 911 attacks, but they got away with it because of the power of the lying newsmedia. I saw a book at a Best-Seller bookstore, and now there's a show on TV, portraying Dick Cheney as a strong leader who's less than perfect. The truth is that Dick Cheney is an accomplice to one of the largest mass-murder conspiracies in history. 2,745 innocent American citizens were murdered on September 11, 2001 in the Trade Tower attacks. The thousands of exhibits of evidence are both circumstantial and solid.