He can not be disproven either!!
Faith is all we need to belive and have proof of GOD.
although i can not prove God YOU can not disprove GOD. Thank you.
geez why are u all so thick headed u dont have faith? or too lazy to belive? plz read the proof! The bible.
Read the Bible, and the Koran, then some Lee Strobel books.
Together, they turned me from a Chri-curious agnostic to a firm atheist.
Sometimes I wish I could know what my cat has on her mind, trying with cat noises to communicate with me. Most of the time, I figure it's just as well I don't know -- in the same way I'd somewhat like to take a peek at the Fundy Dictionary to see what these people take as definitions of common words, like "proof". It might fry my poor brain, though - "When you look into the abyss, it also looks into you".
"He can not be disproven either!!
Faith is all we need to belive and have proof of GOD"
although i can not prove God YOU can not disprove GOD. Thank you."
geez why are u all so thick headed u dont have faith? or too lazy to belive? plz read the proof! The bible."
God, it's like it's written by three different people...
Ya ever heard of burden of proof?
Your the ones making the claim so the burden lies with you, not the ones who won't accept it because there is no proof.
There is no proof of the non-existance of the yeti, alien abduction, or Atlatis, so do you accept those as fact?
geez why are u all so thick headed u have faith? or too lazy to not belive? plz accept that there is no proof!
Well actually, since the christian God has allegedly interacted with Earth, there is grounds to prove or disprove it. For example Noah's flood was an example of religion saying God had an effect on the Earth. However literally no evidence has arisen for a global flood and we can trace such activity through geology and geophysics to see that there was no flood. Hence, it can be proved that at least stories of your God are bullshit.
Since you are too lazy to use proper grammar and spelling, you ought to shut up about other people being lazy.
Zeus, Odin and the FSM can't be disproven either.
I still choose to not believe in any of them.
The Bible is only proof that the stories exist.
Sense and Sensibility is not proof that Elinor and Marianne exist, only that the story about them does.
“He can not be disproven either!!”
You also cannot disprove Amateratsu. Or Quetzacoatl. Or Ra. Or Allah. Thousands of godclaims in human history.
“Faith is all we need to belive and have proof of GOD.”
But faith is based on NOT having proof of god. Words are important.
“although i can not prove God YOU can not disprove GOD. Thank you.”
Yeah, that’s not a reason for us to worship any god, though. If anything, the fact that so many many gods cannot be disproven should cause us to hesitate before picking one.
Dude, either swear by Jesus by the real, entire name, or don’t pretend with a euphemism.
"why are u all so thick headed u dont have faith?”
Just explained it. Men have been making up gods for a zillion years. Why is yours suddenly THE REAL ONE?
“or too lazy to belive?”
Lazy? I read the bible, idiot. That’s some work.
“plz read the proof! The bible.”
That’s no more proof than cave drawings of a shaman’s hunting spells.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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